Hey Everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while I have been very busy! I have been writing a Paranormal Class that I will be teaching with my group as well as investigating with them and that is a task in of its self. I also have been keeping busy with doing readings and doing my best to practice what I preach, so meditations and making sure that I am practicing connecting with Spirit.

I’d like to go on a bit about validation, it is very important. It’s important to us on every level in just about everything we do. If you do a good job at work it’s nice when the boss says good job and when you are holding the house together and your spouse tells you they appreciate it you get a sense that what you are doing matters. When they tell you that you are doing good and give a specific reason or example it feels even better, it means they are really paying attention. Often times we don’t get that in life unfortunately, even when we go above and beyond it may go unnoticed. What happens when our hard work goes without notice? Well if you are like me then you stop trying so hard. That isn’t the right attitude but come on, why go the extra mile when no one is going to validate it for you? With a psychic reading it is very similar and it isn’t at all.

When I do a reading for someone I want it to be the best experience for them that they can have, I always do my best to concentrate and really dig when Spirit is giving me half answers and obscure references to work with. I have found that sometimes those obscure refrences are actually very detailed and very important and I am sure I have said this before that it is key for you to trust your instinct and say exactly what is on your mind. I recently did a reading and prior to going I really wanted to call ahead and tell the client to light candles, not something I normally would do, and I blew it! I didn’t call and at the end of the reading the gentleman picked up some home-made candles and said that he had hoped his deceased mother would have mentioned them because they were in her glass pudding cups. I couldn’t believe it! I told him about wanting to call and we both laughed about it, I of course am upset because that isn’t what I tell everyone else to do. Follow your instincts!

During the same reading I had a Spirit come to me, well many of them it was like a party with how many relatives were showing up to speak to their living family. Anyway, I got the name Anthony or Tony and I received and image of an old 50’s style refrigerator and on the side of it was a magnet that said either “Sal’s” or “Salvators Pizza.” No one at the table connected to the name but I wrote it down, I was listening to my gut. After the reading I received a call from a man who was at the table and he had just hung up the phone with his mother. Her Brother, Tony worked at a pizzeria in the Bronx called Sal’s and they had a refrigerator just like I described in thier family kitchen. So this man had an uncle that passed from a car accident many years ago and he came through to say hello!

In the same reading I was shown a drawing of a house where my client grew up and as I was looking at the drawing I could see a fire, and I asked about it. Sure enough there was a fire there and no one knew who started it. Then I got the name “Al” and asked about that, turns out that the person who purchased the home is named “Hal.” Why did I give you all of these examples? I gave them to you to show that in a reading you will get the validation if you put what you get out there and even when you don’t think you are going to get it you probably will!

I have learned that it is important to give out all of the information that you get because the reading is not for you, it is for the Spirit and the person in front of you. When you give everything that you can to the best of your ability then you will get a greater return on validation. When you get a greater return on validation you will become a better reader. If you get symbols that you don’t understand say what you see and let the person you are sitting with decide what that means, then for next time you have a better idea. For instance, when I see palm trees that means a warm climate place to me like California or Florida. I wouldn’t know that unless I had said it a few time and had someone validate it for me, now I know and can get a better reading done when I sit down. That is what you are looking to do and why validation is important doing this.

What happens if you come to a stale mate and are not getting anywhere? Well I have had this happen to me and it is ok to try to reset and refocus. If you aren’t receiving anything it is ok to say so and let the person you are doing the reading for know that. See if there is anyone else they would like to contact or try and give them a different kind of reading, the Universe may be telling you to that they need something else besides what you are trying to provide. What you do is up to you, just make sure that you are being honest and genuine.

Back to the validation, it is going to come and inspire you to be better at reading and it is going to move you forward faster every time you get it. I started with a reading that was so spot on that I could not believe that the client was lying to me to make me feel better. After that for a while the readings weren’t as clear, that was ok because it made me have try harder and develop my abilities. The validation from that reading however made me realize that I had this gift and that it was important to use it to help people.

A quick recap, what you see make sure you say. The worst thing that could happen is you are wrong. If validation isn’t immediate don’t worry it will come. The more you are validated the better you will become. The better you are the more confident you will be and the better all of your other endeavours will be. Don’t be afraid to be wrong! Make sure you are meditating and make sure that you are practicing! Don’t write anything off because anything is possible!




  1. My sister’s and I all have a gift, different in there own way, but we all still connect. I know we need to nurture these abilities and use them for the greater good, but not for profit. We were looking to do some sort of walk through to see if our abilities are what we think and give back the information we are picking up. I know this will help our bond and make our mother over the moon filled with joy. I know this too can help us individually heal from any life issues we deal with by being able to see past our current situations. Anyway, I was wondering if you help with something like this? I read your page and you are an awesome teacher with patience. Please let me know, I appreciate your gift, time and energy.

  2. Hey there! Thanks for reading my page and asking questions. I feel too many people have things they want to ask and are too shy or think the question is silly. I’d love to help you.
    Please, take as much space as you would like and describe each of your gifts and sisters gifts. Use examples of how they have shown themselves (your gifts) and how you’d like to further use them. I will do my best to help your development and if I am stuck with anything I will find the answer for you.
    Please visit my Facebook page also, Scotty the nj Medium, especially if you like faster responses. Thanks again!

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