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Hey Everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while I have been very busy! I have been writing a Paranormal Class that I will be teaching with my group as well as investigating with them and that is a task in of its self. I also have been keeping busy with doing readings and doing my best to practice what I preach, so meditations and making sure that I am practicing connecting with Spirit.

I’d like to go on a bit about validation, it is very important. It’s important to us on every level in just about everything we do. If you do a good job at work it’s nice when the boss says good job and when you are holding the house together and your spouse tells you they appreciate it you get a sense that what you are doing matters. When they tell you that you are doing good and give a specific reason or example it feels even better, it means they are really paying attention. Often times we don’t get that in life unfortunately, even when we go above and beyond it may go unnoticed. What happens when our hard work goes without notice? Well if you are like me then you stop trying so hard. That isn’t the right attitude but come on, why go the extra mile when no one is going to validate it for you? With a psychic reading it is very similar and it isn’t at all.

When I do a reading for someone I want it to be the best experience for them that they can have, I always do my best to concentrate and really dig when Spirit is giving me half answers and obscure references to work with. I have found that sometimes those obscure refrences are actually very detailed and very important and I am sure I have said this before that it is key for you to trust your instinct and say exactly what is on your mind. I recently did a reading and prior to going I really wanted to call ahead and tell the client to light candles, not something I normally would do, and I blew it! I didn’t call and at the end of the reading the gentleman picked up some home-made candles and said that he had hoped his deceased mother would have mentioned them because they were in her glass pudding cups. I couldn’t believe it! I told him about wanting to call and we both laughed about it, I of course am upset because that isn’t what I tell everyone else to do. Follow your instincts!

During the same reading I had a Spirit come to me, well many of them it was like a party with how many relatives were showing up to speak to their living family. Anyway, I got the name Anthony or Tony and I received and image of an old 50’s style refrigerator and on the side of it was a magnet that said either “Sal’s” or “Salvators Pizza.” No one at the table connected to the name but I wrote it down, I was listening to my gut. After the reading I received a call from a man who was at the table and he had just hung up the phone with his mother. Her Brother, Tony worked at a pizzeria in the Bronx called Sal’s and they had a refrigerator just like I described in thier family kitchen. So this man had an uncle that passed from a car accident many years ago and he came through to say hello!

In the same reading I was shown a drawing of a house where my client grew up and as I was looking at the drawing I could see a fire, and I asked about it. Sure enough there was a fire there and no one knew who started it. Then I got the name “Al” and asked about that, turns out that the person who purchased the home is named “Hal.” Why did I give you all of these examples? I gave them to you to show that in a reading you will get the validation if you put what you get out there and even when you don’t think you are going to get it you probably will!

I have learned that it is important to give out all of the information that you get because the reading is not for you, it is for the Spirit and the person in front of you. When you give everything that you can to the best of your ability then you will get a greater return on validation. When you get a greater return on validation you will become a better reader. If you get symbols that you don’t understand say what you see and let the person you are sitting with decide what that means, then for next time you have a better idea. For instance, when I see palm trees that means a warm climate place to me like California or Florida. I wouldn’t know that unless I had said it a few time and had someone validate it for me, now I know and can get a better reading done when I sit down. That is what you are looking to do and why validation is important doing this.

What happens if you come to a stale mate and are not getting anywhere? Well I have had this happen to me and it is ok to try to reset and refocus. If you aren’t receiving anything it is ok to say so and let the person you are doing the reading for know that. See if there is anyone else they would like to contact or try and give them a different kind of reading, the Universe may be telling you to that they need something else besides what you are trying to provide. What you do is up to you, just make sure that you are being honest and genuine.

Back to the validation, it is going to come and inspire you to be better at reading and it is going to move you forward faster every time you get it. I started with a reading that was so spot on that I could not believe that the client was lying to me to make me feel better. After that for a while the readings weren’t as clear, that was ok because it made me have try harder and develop my abilities. The validation from that reading however made me realize that I had this gift and that it was important to use it to help people.

A quick recap, what you see make sure you say. The worst thing that could happen is you are wrong. If validation isn’t immediate don’t worry it will come. The more you are validated the better you will become. The better you are the more confident you will be and the better all of your other endeavours will be. Don’t be afraid to be wrong! Make sure you are meditating and make sure that you are practicing! Don’t write anything off because anything is possible!



Voice Recorders and EVP



Hey there! Welcome to our second installment of Paranormal Corner, today I am writing about the Voice Recorder and capturing EVP’s. You have definitely seen recorders used if you watch any paranormal shows. It’s a small black or silver device that fits in your hand and simply records your voice during your investigation.

Lets start with the history of this and what it is used for. So, we start with the fact that years ago this little machine that fits in our hands used to be about 10 pounds and have to sit on a table with a separate microphone and two reels or spools of “tape” that recorded what was happening around it. The machine was expensive and so was the tape that you needed to recorded it, there was no enhancing what you recorded either, you got what you got unless you were an audio engineer. So imagine having to lug this machine around from room to room and having to set it up every time you were ready to record. I would say that you would have to be a dedicated investigator to do that, like Ed and Loraine Warran who you can look up and see lots of photos with them using that exact device.

Today the voice recording technology fits in your hand and can be run continuously for hours at a time without stopping. You can even take out your smart phone and use the application that it most likely came with to record during your investigations. I personally recommend against that if you can, mostly because cell phones send and receive information in such a way that it can give false results to other equipment around it, such as an EMF meter. In a pinch its ok though, if you are in a room and hearing a voice with no recorder break out that smart phone and start recording!

What kind of recorder is best for you? I would say that depends on how often you investigate and your budget. Our team uses a small array of different recorders and they all cost between forty and sixty dollars. Prior to me joining the team they had some expensive recorders, about two hundred dollars or so each and they got away from them due to difficult operation and the super sensitivity of the microphone being used. In paranormal investigations we use things that were intended for other purposes for capturing evidence of possible huntings. I would recommend that if you are a novice investigator get a less expensive recorder, they can be purchased online or in a store. I recommend they have quick shipping and lots of reviews for the products they sell. I will provide a link to the exact recorder that i prefer using.

When you start investigating it is important to use the right tool for the job! Of course we rely heavily on cameras because seeing is believing and evidence on video is almost irrefutable. Not every haunting though has claims of seeing apparitions or shadows or having objects move, sometimes people just experience hearing phenomenon. For that we would go into the situation with a voice recorder to try to capture an EVP, Electronic Voice phenomenon. EVP’s are believed to be a spirit communicating through speech that we can record on a digital or analog device. Going back to years ago an investigator would have to use the reel tapes and record and then rewind the tapes and go over it with headphones in complete silence. Now we have the luxury of digital, record, review and determine! Right on the spot!

That brings us to the next part of this little lesson. The different ways to implement our recorders. First and probably the most cumbersome way to use the recorders is to leave them in a room unattended and running throughout the investigation. This is not the best method, it leaves room for contamination and perhaps getting false evidence. If you have a small team and know that you will not have cross contamination this is an ok method. The second method is to have a recorder with you and activate it only while you are asking questions, this is called conducting an “EVP session.” This will cut down review time and also lets you immediately review it after asking several questions. This method is a great way to conduct this part of the investigation because you can hear potential answers to your questions and can help further your investigation along in real-time. Another way I recently heard someone suggest is to have a recorder for every room and label it with the date and room it is in. The recorder should stay in that room the entire investigation and it can be used and activated by anyone who is in that room. This is a good idea, it can help you keep organized after the investigation wraps up.

A little more advanced way to use the recorders for EVP sessions is to keep one rolling in the room you are in and have a second one that you can do immediate review on. This way you have twice as good a chance of capturing evidence and have a good back up if you capture something. Sometimes a voice is heard on one recorder and not another and I have even found that sometimes the voice at the same time has said two different things at the same time, this is a discussion for another time but I wanted to let you know that it is something that happens. Remember that if you only have one recorder that is ok, I understand that equipment is expensive and you need to build your inventory slowly.

We find that while using recorders, even the less expensive ones it is important to state out loud if you hear something because the recorder does pick it up. This goes for bodily functions as well, especially a hungry belly growling for a Big Mac. A rumble from your stomach can sound like an angry spirit on your recorder, even like people talking sometimes. Make sure that you say nice and loud for the recorder if your stomach rumbled. The next thing is that if you hear tapping, scraping or dragging you mention it. If you hear footsteps or anything that is not explainable around you say it out loud for the recorder, this will aid in your review in helping not wonder what you are hearing. The most important rule I find to follow is to make sure that you and your team do not whisper while talking, you do not want to hear your conversation in a whisper and think it is paranormal. This is important because many EVP’s are whispery and low, unless you get a really nice one.

This brings up classification of EVP recordings. It is pretty well accepted that their are three grades of EVP: Class A is completely audible and understandable and many times a direct response to something an investigator has asked or said. Class B a little scratchy and can be talking or an unexplained noise. Class c is an unexplained noise and generally is not that clear. Anything under C should be filed away and not forgotten. You may capture something better that sounds similar and it will be good to have something to compare it to.

Next is the review! After capturing your evidence it is important to do a slow a deliberate review. Make sure to use headphones, if you are reviewing on the spot it is ok to listen to the recording over the built-in speaker but this is usually not the best method as it sounds very scratchy. After capturing anything that you perceive as evidence you should mark the times you heard it at, write down what you think it is or what it is saying and then transfer the evidence to a computer for storage. After you have done that bring your evidence to someone else and give them the times of the evidence without telling them what you think you have heard. Let them come to a conclusion and tell you what they think they have heard and then compare notes.


That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this little lesson and can put it to use on your next or first investigation! If you have any questions of course you can contact me here at or on Instagram at Scotty The NJ Medium and heck even over on Twitter @scottynjmed Thanks for reading and I look forward to writing my next lesson on night vision cameras!


Third Eye Chakra

Hello again! Thanks for coming back! This next post is about the Third Eye Chakra and I’m going to do my best to keep it simple and informative. The third eye is one of the most mystic parts of our spiritual selves and it is one of the most useful, in my opinion. It is located right in the middle of our foreheads just above our eyeline. Did you read my post about the third eye yet? If you did that last bit is old news, if not go back and check it out! Lots of good info there I won’t be going back over, we need to move forward!

Have you ever used your imagination? Have you ever pictured a story playing out in your head like a movie? Have you ever looked at a room in front of you and pictured it as it was 20 years ago? If you have answered yes to any of that then it is very likely that you have activated your Third Eye Chakra! I always thought that everyone around me processed information like I did in my head and found out that it simply wasn’t true. Not everyone can see things as clearly as I could, when I thought of something I’d get a full detailed description like a photo someone placed into my head. If that sounds familiar than you are on the right track.

The Chakra that is your energy basis for the third eye is extremely potent. It is what gives you that other worldly view and provides insite through vivid photos in your mind. It is important to recognize it when training yourself to be more open to pshycic abilities and using it as a Medium. The more focused you become on the Third Eye the more powerful it becomes. Like any other part of your body it needs a work out and if you’ve read my previous post about this topic you hopefully have been practicing the techniques I explained, if not please go back and learn them!

Let’s talk about how this works and how you can apply it. For me, I will receive an image and let’s say it’s a lawnmower. If I am doing a reading and connecting to someone’s passed loved one I would explain I could see a lawnmower and hopefully the person in front of me will know what that means in relation to the spirit. If I am doing an investigation I will document that I see the lawnmower and hopefully it will mean something later. If I am carrying out day to day activities and a lawnmower pops into my head I would take note of it and ask myself why I am seeing it, later on it could mean something.

After learning to pay attention to the Third Eye you will unlock another world of information for yourself and others around you. If you see something in your mind write it down in a log book or journal. Pay attention if those images show up in your day to day life, these very well could be important messages for you or.someone that you love.

Beyond that, I can also make you aware that this is often the same method as to which spirits will show themselves. They will put an image of themselves in your head, in line with your Third Eye and make you see them. Don’t be afraid, write down what they look like, ask them to spell a name in front of you. Your ability to be comfortable with this Claire-ability will make you much more effective as a psychic and medium. Also, learning this and combining it your other gifts will help you paint a better picture and gain access to more information.

We will talk about the third eye more as I discuss other abilities. There are several visual based practices that rely on the Third Eye Chakra, such as Lucid Dream, Astral Projection and receiving Premonitions. Please go learn the techniques and meditations so that you can be prepared when we move on to the other fun activities we can perform using our Third Eye and it’s Chakra!

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