The Very Haunted Shanley Hotel

Visit them here at

Hello, my name is Scotty, and I am a psychic medium from New Jersey. Today, I want to share with you my experience at one of the most haunted places I have ever been to: The Shanley Hotel.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I could sense that there was something off about the place. The energy was heavy and oppressive, and I knew that I was not alone. The spirits of the Shanley Hotel were watching me, waiting for me to make a move.

As I walked through the hallways, I could feel the presence of the spirits around me. They whispered in my ear, touched my arm, and even appeared before me as shadows. I could sense that they were angry, confused, and trapped in this place.

Please visit this link to see my first ever night at the hotel where a disembodied voice is captured.

The Shanley Hotel has a long and tragic history. It was built in the late 19th century and served as a boarding house for travelers and workers. Over the years, it witnessed many tragedies, including several deaths and a devastating fire. Some people say that the spirits of the people who died in the hotel still haunt the place, unable to find peace.

As a medium, I could communicate with some of the spirits at the Shanley Hotel. They told me about their lives, their deaths, and their reasons for staying in the hotel. Some of them were simply lost, while others were angry and vengeful. They told me about strange things that happened in the hotel, like doors opening and closing by themselves, and objects moving without explanation.

Watch as SUPERSTAR YOUTUBERS Sam and Colby investigate the Shanley Hotel!

The most haunted room in the hotel is room number 17, which is said to be the site of a tragic murder-suicide. The room is so haunted that many guests refuse to stay there, and some have reported seeing apparitions and hearing strange noises.

Overall, my experience at the Shanley Hotel was both terrifying and fascinating. The spirits of the hotel are very real, and they are not afraid to make their presence known. If you are a fan of the paranormal, or if you simply want to experience something truly haunted, I highly recommend visiting the Shanley Hotel. But be warned: you may never be the same again.

A very important note from the author:
In the world of the paranormal, it is important to have an open mind and understand that we don’t have all the answers. While there are many theories and beliefs about the supernatural, the truth is that we are still exploring and learning about these phenomena. As we encounter new experiences and evidence, our understanding of the paranormal may evolve and change over time. Therefore, it is important to approach the paranormal with curiosity and a willingness to learn rather than with rigid preconceptions or skepticism. By remaining open-minded, we can continue to explore the mysteries of the paranormal and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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#openmind #samandcolby #bekind

it doesn’t always be like this but it always Be like that. The drama can be avoided, better choices made, crisis averted. but no. you love it and head for the storm. #tarot #psychic #medium #spirits #ghosts #paranormal #scottythemedium #supghost

Life after Death and Dr. Raymond Moody

The question of whether there is life after death is one that has puzzled humans for centuries. While there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support the existence of an afterlife, there are many anecdotes and stories of people who have had experiences that suggest there may be something beyond this physical existence.

One of the most common experiences reported by those who have had a near-death experience (NDE) is a sense of floating above their own body. They may also report seeing a bright light or tunnel, feeling a sense of peace or a sense of being drawn towards a loved one who has passed away. These experiences are often described as vivid and life-changing, leaving the person with a newfound appreciation for life and a sense of purpose.

Another common experience reported by those who have had an NDE is a feeling of being greeted by deceased loved ones or spiritual guides. They may report having conversations with these entities, receiving messages of love and guidance, and feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance.

What’s on the other side of the door?

Some people also report having out-of-body experiences (OBEs), in which they feel as if they are floating outside of their own body and observing the world around them from a different perspective. They may describe seeing themselves from above, or even traveling to different locations while in this state.

While these experiences are intriguing and may provide some comfort to those who have lost loved ones, it is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of an afterlife. Many of these experiences may be the result of neurological processes in the brain, or they may be influenced by cultural or religious beliefs.

Ultimately, the question of whether there is life after death may never be fully answered. However, the stories and experiences of those who have had NDEs and OBEs provide a fascinating glimpse into the mysteries of human consciousness and the nature of existence itself. Whether or not there is an afterlife, these experiences can serve as a reminder of the beauty and preciousness of life, and the importance of cherishing our time on this earth.

Dr. Raymond Moody

Dr. Raymond Moody is a renowned scholar and author who is widely regarded as the leading authority on the subject of life after death. Born in 1944, Dr. Moody has dedicated his career to exploring the mysteries of human consciousness, including the phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs) and the possibility of an afterlife.

Dr. Moody’s interest in NDEs began in the 1960s, when he was a philosophy student at the University of Virginia. He began collecting stories from people who had experienced NDEs, and in 1975 he published his groundbreaking book “Life After Life”, which became an instant bestseller. In this book, Dr. Moody introduced the term “near-death experience” and described the common elements that he found in the hundreds of stories he had collected.

These common elements included a sense of leaving the pPnel or towards a light, and encounters with deceased loved ones or spiritual beings. Dr. Moody’s work helped to popularize the study of NDEs and has influenced countless researchers and scholars in the field.

In addition to his work on NDEs, Dr. Moody has also written extensively on the subjects of reincarnation, psychic phenomena, and the nature of consciousness itself. He has authored several books on these topics, including “The Light Beyond”, “Reunions”, and “The Last Laugh”.

Over the course of his career, Dr. Moody has received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to the field of consciousness studies. He has been a featured speaker at conferences and events around the world, and has been interviewed by numerous media outlets.

Today, Dr. Moody continues to be a leading voice in the field of consciousness studies. He is a respected scholar and a compassionate advocate for those who have had transformative experiences that challenge conventional understandings of reality. Through his work, he has helped to expand our understanding of the mysteries of life, death, and the human experience.

I hope you enjoyed this and have time to meditate on the subject. What are your thoughts on “Life After Death?”


One day, an alien who had just landed on Earth decided to explore a human home. As it wandered around the house, it stumbled upon the refrigerator and became curious about what was inside. Without hesitation, the alien opened the refrigerator door and started rummaging through the contents. But as it grabbed a jar of pickles, the lid slipped off and pickles flew everywhere! The alien frantically tried to catch the pickles, but they kept slipping through its slimy, green fingers. It eventually gave up and decided to leave, but not before leaving a sticky trail of pickle juice all over the kitchen floor. The human family was baffled when they saw the mess, they never did figure out what had happened but I bet they’d never guess it was a pickle hungry extraterrestrial. Let’s just give them the pickles folks. Peace. Love. Pickles. #aliens #ufos #ufo #news #paranormal #humor #funny

Small Victories, Self-Esteem and Spiritual Growth

Small victories can have a profound impact on our self-esteem and spiritual growth. While we often focus on achieving major milestones, it’s the small wins that can make a significant difference in our lives. In this post, we’ll explore how small victories can contribute to better self-esteem and spiritual growth.

Small victories are wins that may seem insignificant, but they’re important milestones that signal progress. They can be as simple as making your bed in the morning, completing a workout, or finishing a task on your to-do list. While these victories may seem small, they provide a sense of accomplishment that can boost self-esteem and motivate us to continue taking positive steps forward.

Your Victories!

The power of small victories lies in their ability to help us build momentum. When we achieve small wins, we’re more likely to continue making progress. This positive reinforcement can help us establish healthy habits and reach our goals.

A helpful tip is to keep a workbook to track progress. You can find one here.

Small victories can also help us appreciate the journey, rather than solely focusing on the destination. When we celebrate our small wins, we acknowledge the effort and hard work that went into achieving them. We learn to appreciate the process and the growth that occurs along the way.

Small victories can also contribute to powerful spiritual growth. As we celebrate our small wins, we develop a greater sense of gratitude and awareness of the present moment. We become more attuned to the blessings in our lives and appreciate the journey that got us to where we are.
In addition, small victories can help us develop a growth mindset. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, we learn to see them as opportunities for growth and improvement. We become more resilient and adaptive, which can help us navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.

In conclusion, small victories can have a profound impact on our self-esteem and spiritual growth. They provide a sense of accomplishment, build momentum, and help us appreciate the journey. By celebrating our small wins, we develop a growth mindset and become more resilient. So, the next time you achieve a small win, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate it. You’ll be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your life.


small victories, self-esteem, spiritual growth, personal growth, gratitude, positive mindset, mindfulness, celebrate

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• #PersonalGrowth

• #SelfImprovement

• #GratitudeAttitude

• #PositiveMindset

• #SpiritualJourney

• #MindfulnessMatters

• #CelebrateSuccess

• #InnerStrength

• #OvercomingObstacles

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Feeling grateful and healthy again! Thank you to all my amazing friends and followers for the well wishes during my battle with strep throat. Your support means everything to me! Remember to take care of your health and stay hydrated. Here’s to a strong and healthy new week ahead! 🌟💪 #grateful #recovery #healthylifestyle

This blog explores the importance of self-love and provides practical tips for developing a positive relationship with yourself. Learn how to celebrate your successes, speak kindly to yourself, and practice self-care to enhance your self-esteem and confidence. Tags: #SelfLove, #SelfCare, #PositiveThinking, #Confidence, #Happiness.

Embracing Self-Love: A Journey of Acceptance and Growth.

Self-love is a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. It’s about learning to appreciate and cherish yourself, just as you are, with all your strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. When you love yourself, you develop a deep sense of security, confidence, and happiness that allows you to live life to the fullest.

However, for many of us, loving ourselves is not always an easy thing to do. Society often bombards us with messages that we are not good enough, and that we need to change to be accepted. We compare ourselves to others and focus on our flaws and weaknesses, rather than our strengths and achievements. These negative thoughts and feelings can leave us feeling worthless and defeated, making it even harder to love ourselves.

But the good news is, self-love is a skill that can be developed and strengthened with time and effort. Here are some practical tips to help you get started on your self-love journey:

Practice self-care: Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is an essential part of self-love. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, engaging in a favorite hobby, or just taking a walk in nature, find activities that make you feel good and do them regularly.

Surround yourself with positive people: The people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Seek out supportive friends and family who encourage and uplift you, and try to limit time spent with negative or critical individuals.

Speak kindly to yourself: Our internal dialogue is powerful, and the things we tell ourselves can either uplift us or bring us down. Be mindful of the things you say to yourself, and replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths, achievements, and qualities that make you unique and special.

Celebrate your successes: It’s easy to focus on our failures and shortcomings, but it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate our successes, big or small. Keep a journal of your accomplishments, and look back at it when you need a confidence boost.

Accept your flaws: No one is perfect, and that’s okay. Instead of trying to hide or change your flaws, learn to accept and embrace them. They are a part of what makes you unique and special, and you should never apologize for being yourself.

Self-love is not a destination, it’s a lifelong journey. It takes time, patience, and effort, but the rewards are worth it. When you love yourself, you develop a deep sense of confidence, security, and happiness that allows you to face life’s challenges with courage and grace.

In conclusion, self-love is not about being selfish or narcissistic. It’s about developing a healthy, positive relationship with yourself, and recognizing your worth and value as a human being. So start small, take baby steps, and remember to be kind and compassionate to yourself. Your self-love journey is a journey worth taking!


This blog explores the importance of self-love and provides practical tips for developing a positive relationship with yourself. Learn how to celebrate your successes, speak kindly to yourself, and practice self-care to enhance your self-esteem and confidence.

Tags: #SelfLove, #SelfCare, #PositiveThinking, #Confidence, #Happiness.