it doesn’t always be like this but it always Be like that. The drama can be avoided, better choices made, crisis averted. but no. you love it and head for the storm. #tarot #psychic #medium #spirits #ghosts #paranormal #scottythemedium #supghost

Embracing Self-Love: A Journey of Acceptance and Growth.

Self-love is a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. It’s about learning to appreciate and cherish yourself, just as you are, with all your strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. When you love yourself, you develop a deep sense of security, confidence, and happiness that allows you to live life to the fullest.

However, for many of us, loving ourselves is not always an easy thing to do. Society often bombards us with messages that we are not good enough, and that we need to change to be accepted. We compare ourselves to others and focus on our flaws and weaknesses, rather than our strengths and achievements. These negative thoughts and feelings can leave us feeling worthless and defeated, making it even harder to love ourselves.

But the good news is, self-love is a skill that can be developed and strengthened with time and effort. Here are some practical tips to help you get started on your self-love journey:

Practice self-care: Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is an essential part of self-love. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, engaging in a favorite hobby, or just taking a walk in nature, find activities that make you feel good and do them regularly.

Surround yourself with positive people: The people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Seek out supportive friends and family who encourage and uplift you, and try to limit time spent with negative or critical individuals.

Speak kindly to yourself: Our internal dialogue is powerful, and the things we tell ourselves can either uplift us or bring us down. Be mindful of the things you say to yourself, and replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths, achievements, and qualities that make you unique and special.

Celebrate your successes: It’s easy to focus on our failures and shortcomings, but it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate our successes, big or small. Keep a journal of your accomplishments, and look back at it when you need a confidence boost.

Accept your flaws: No one is perfect, and that’s okay. Instead of trying to hide or change your flaws, learn to accept and embrace them. They are a part of what makes you unique and special, and you should never apologize for being yourself.

Self-love is not a destination, it’s a lifelong journey. It takes time, patience, and effort, but the rewards are worth it. When you love yourself, you develop a deep sense of confidence, security, and happiness that allows you to face life’s challenges with courage and grace.

In conclusion, self-love is not about being selfish or narcissistic. It’s about developing a healthy, positive relationship with yourself, and recognizing your worth and value as a human being. So start small, take baby steps, and remember to be kind and compassionate to yourself. Your self-love journey is a journey worth taking!


This blog explores the importance of self-love and provides practical tips for developing a positive relationship with yourself. Learn how to celebrate your successes, speak kindly to yourself, and practice self-care to enhance your self-esteem and confidence.

Tags: #SelfLove, #SelfCare, #PositiveThinking, #Confidence, #Happiness.

Spirit Guide Meditation

Stepping into your Psychic and Mediumship abilities can be a daunting task, like cutting through thick foliage with a small knife. What makes your journey to truth easier? A Guide of course. Have you met your guides? Would you like to?

A question my students and clients ask me often is “How do I meet my Guides?” The answer is easy, the mode is easy, the discipline can be difficult at first, but I have a solution. Meditation is the key and the answer. Write down the question prior to Meditation; “What is your name, Guide?” That is your intention. Second, get comfortable, relax, and meditate. Whatever that is for you, music, sitting in silence, walking, running, whatever gets your brain to be silent and go to your Meditation state. I am a guided meditation kind of guy, it helps tremendously to help get into the mode of meditation. The last part is difficult, you must trust yourself. Whatever name, even if it is obscure or strange, that is given to you during meditation is your Guides name. When you are done meditating write your Guides name down. That’s how you address them and call them to you to speak.

You can have more than one Guide and probably do, so try this meditation several times, see who or what is on the other side guiding your journey through the thick brush of your Spiritual Journey. I have even gone as far as to ask each Guide what they do for me, how they help and when they step in to help. I suggest you do the same. Don’t be to surprised when you realize how many times they have helped you in life without you knowing it.

I hope this helps you get where you are going. As always I am here to help bring you to a new level in your quest for spiritual knowledge, giving you easy techniques that work for me.

If you’d like a Guided meditation by me specifically for meeting your Guides please follow this link and download it. I appreciate your continued support and I’ll see you soon!

#scottythemedium #supghost #tiktok #spiritguides #guidedmeditation #meditation #mediumship #psychicmedium #psychicclasses #free #chakras

Whats Up Everyone!

Long time no chat. My absence from here, being able to write my thoughts and have a long form chain of words has been missed, mostly by me probably. I would like to say welcome to anyone who is new coming in, please feel free to hang out, feel welcome and safe and know that everything on this page is aimed at helping you learn through my journey.

Lately I was presented with a bit of a challenge, which drives me crazy really. I have never been good at meeting others expectations, hell, I can almost never meet my expectations. So when someone comes out of the woodwork with an alleged way to prove if “psychic and Mediumship abilities are real” it can be a real pain in the rear end. Especially when they are throwing $1,000.00 dollars around in an attempt to lure out folks like myself. But why…why present this way? There are far better ways and less aggressive ways to understand this ability. I’ve been a long time “skeptical medium” which means I am super hard on myself when presenting information during readings. If the information doesn’t come through in a very evidentiary way and I don’t make the connection necessary to unrefutably say I spoke to a deceased person on the other side who my client knew then I refund the session. Yeah, refund the full amount. The burden is on me to bring the information through, if it doesn’t happen then you get your money back. I don’t care if it was a three hour session and I failed, full reimbursement. It has been like that since I started and it is no different now. Has this happened to me? Yes. Twice. I remember feeling so down about it both times I felt like I was going to quit it all and be done. However both times, the next appointment with the next client, were absolutely amazing.

A better way to prove these abilities exist? Hmmm. Since mine came through in such a spontaneous way and very unexpectedly it just mean there is something happening in my brain or body and heck, maybe even Spirit that can be measured. Again, I like proof. I would have a group of Doctors, scientist and psychologists study me during readings. Hook me to machines measuring all my biometric stats, brain waives and so on. I’d have 4 types of readings set up and have all these professionals observe me during each.

I’d say a range of acceptable answers would need to be set. Each of us has unique perspectives and life experiences that can be interpreted differently. A panel would have to be fed the information for each test about the subject receiving the reading and each person from the panel would have to write their perspective of what they know about the subject, this would help develop a baseline of acceptable information given during the reading.

1. A simple photo reading, no human interaction. The Psychic or Medium looks at the photo and writes notes. When done the panel is handed the notes and they decide what is in an acceptable range of what is accurate.

2. In person 1 on 1 reading. No cards, no crystals ,nothing but pen and paper. Just the reader and sitter. Same parameters as the photo reading. Notes are written and the Psychic or Medium is allowed to conversate with the sitter in normal fashion of these types of readings.

3. A video phone reading, same rules as above.

4. A phone reading, no seeing each other with the same parameters as the other experiments.

When these are done and gone over if the percentage of correct information is given then it would be safe to say there are things science hasn’t gotten to yet. Of course this would have to be done with many Psychics and Mediums and different sitters in order to gather a large range of information, just like any properly conducted scientific research.

Of course this is a fantasy, as of right now because it feels as though main stream science would rather not understand this phenomenon and just write it off was woo woo nonsense. That’s my opinion, maybe there are folks in the scientific community who would like to tackle this. I hope that one day we can get to the bottom of this and for the record, I’m ok with this being debunked although it would make me wonder how I personally could have gotten so much correct over the years.

There will be more to this thought process coming soon, scientists and doctors I’ve read about or watched on YouTube who have ideas on the subject and I’d like to elaborate on their thoughts some more.

As always, thanks for reading. I hope this helps move the conversation forward in a positive manner with respect on both sides of the idea. Have a great day and remember to keep developing your gifts!


Heres all my links in 1 spot!

#psychic #medium #psychicmedium #newjersey #tarot #ghosthunters #ghostadventures #ghostnation
#portalstohell #ghostcaughtontape #metaphysical #learnmediumship #learnpsychic #openthirdeye #thirdeye #freepsychic #psychicworkshop