The Very Haunted Shanley Hotel

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Hello, my name is Scotty, and I am a psychic medium from New Jersey. Today, I want to share with you my experience at one of the most haunted places I have ever been to: The Shanley Hotel.

As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I could sense that there was something off about the place. The energy was heavy and oppressive, and I knew that I was not alone. The spirits of the Shanley Hotel were watching me, waiting for me to make a move.

As I walked through the hallways, I could feel the presence of the spirits around me. They whispered in my ear, touched my arm, and even appeared before me as shadows. I could sense that they were angry, confused, and trapped in this place.

Please visit this link to see my first ever night at the hotel where a disembodied voice is captured.

The Shanley Hotel has a long and tragic history. It was built in the late 19th century and served as a boarding house for travelers and workers. Over the years, it witnessed many tragedies, including several deaths and a devastating fire. Some people say that the spirits of the people who died in the hotel still haunt the place, unable to find peace.

As a medium, I could communicate with some of the spirits at the Shanley Hotel. They told me about their lives, their deaths, and their reasons for staying in the hotel. Some of them were simply lost, while others were angry and vengeful. They told me about strange things that happened in the hotel, like doors opening and closing by themselves, and objects moving without explanation.

Watch as SUPERSTAR YOUTUBERS Sam and Colby investigate the Shanley Hotel!

The most haunted room in the hotel is room number 17, which is said to be the site of a tragic murder-suicide. The room is so haunted that many guests refuse to stay there, and some have reported seeing apparitions and hearing strange noises.

Overall, my experience at the Shanley Hotel was both terrifying and fascinating. The spirits of the hotel are very real, and they are not afraid to make their presence known. If you are a fan of the paranormal, or if you simply want to experience something truly haunted, I highly recommend visiting the Shanley Hotel. But be warned: you may never be the same again.

A very important note from the author:
In the world of the paranormal, it is important to have an open mind and understand that we don’t have all the answers. While there are many theories and beliefs about the supernatural, the truth is that we are still exploring and learning about these phenomena. As we encounter new experiences and evidence, our understanding of the paranormal may evolve and change over time. Therefore, it is important to approach the paranormal with curiosity and a willingness to learn rather than with rigid preconceptions or skepticism. By remaining open-minded, we can continue to explore the mysteries of the paranormal and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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Paranormal Experiences and Trauma.

What are your thoughts on the correlation between paranormal experiences and traumatic life events? Have you or anyone you know experienced both, and do you think there is a connection between the two?

Have you ever had a paranormal life experience? Maybe you’ve seen a ghost, heard unexplainable noises, or felt a presence in the room. Many people who have had these experiences often wonder if there’s a connection between them and traumatic life events. As it turns out, there may be a correlation between the two.

First, let’s define what we mean by “paranormal life experience.” This refers to any experience that goes beyond what we consider to be normal or explainable by science. It could be anything from seeing a ghost to experiencing telepathy or precognition.

Now, let’s talk about trauma. Traumatic life events are experiences that are overwhelming and can cause lasting psychological harm. This could include physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect, natural disasters, or serious accidents.

So, what’s the connection between the two? Some researchers believe that people who have experienced trauma may be more open to paranormal experiences. One theory is that traumatic events can lead to a heightened sense of awareness and sensitivity to things that are beyond our normal perception. In other words, people who have experienced trauma may be more likely to pick up on paranormal phenomena.

Additionally, some people believe that paranormal experiences are a way for the mind to cope with trauma. For example, seeing a deceased loved one could provide comfort and a sense of connection during a difficult time. Alternatively, experiencing telepathy or other psychic phenomena could provide a sense of control in a situation where someone feels powerless.

It’s important to note that not everyone who has experienced trauma will have paranormal experiences, and not everyone who has had paranormal experiences has experienced trauma. However, there does seem to be a correlation between the two.

If you have had a paranormal experience and also experienced trauma, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Many people who have gone through traumatic events report having paranormal experiences. It can be comforting to know that others have had similar experiences and to connect with them.

If you’re struggling with the aftermath of trauma, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional. They can help you work through your experiences and provide support and coping strategies.

So it seems that there is a correlation between paranormal experiences and traumatic life events. While the exact nature of this connection is still not fully understood, it’s clear that many people who have experienced trauma also report having paranormal experiences. If you’re one of these people, know that you’re not alone and that there are resources available to help you cope.

paranormal, life experiences, trauma, psychological harm, mental health, coping strategies Description: This article explores the potential connection between paranormal life experiences and traumatic life events, discussing possible theories and similarities. The article also provides advice for those who have experienced both and encourages seeking help from mental health professionals.

Life after Death and Dr. Raymond Moody

The question of whether there is life after death is one that has puzzled humans for centuries. While there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support the existence of an afterlife, there are many anecdotes and stories of people who have had experiences that suggest there may be something beyond this physical existence.

One of the most common experiences reported by those who have had a near-death experience (NDE) is a sense of floating above their own body. They may also report seeing a bright light or tunnel, feeling a sense of peace or a sense of being drawn towards a loved one who has passed away. These experiences are often described as vivid and life-changing, leaving the person with a newfound appreciation for life and a sense of purpose.

Another common experience reported by those who have had an NDE is a feeling of being greeted by deceased loved ones or spiritual guides. They may report having conversations with these entities, receiving messages of love and guidance, and feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance.

What’s on the other side of the door?

Some people also report having out-of-body experiences (OBEs), in which they feel as if they are floating outside of their own body and observing the world around them from a different perspective. They may describe seeing themselves from above, or even traveling to different locations while in this state.

While these experiences are intriguing and may provide some comfort to those who have lost loved ones, it is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of an afterlife. Many of these experiences may be the result of neurological processes in the brain, or they may be influenced by cultural or religious beliefs.

Ultimately, the question of whether there is life after death may never be fully answered. However, the stories and experiences of those who have had NDEs and OBEs provide a fascinating glimpse into the mysteries of human consciousness and the nature of existence itself. Whether or not there is an afterlife, these experiences can serve as a reminder of the beauty and preciousness of life, and the importance of cherishing our time on this earth.

Dr. Raymond Moody

Dr. Raymond Moody is a renowned scholar and author who is widely regarded as the leading authority on the subject of life after death. Born in 1944, Dr. Moody has dedicated his career to exploring the mysteries of human consciousness, including the phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs) and the possibility of an afterlife.

Dr. Moody’s interest in NDEs began in the 1960s, when he was a philosophy student at the University of Virginia. He began collecting stories from people who had experienced NDEs, and in 1975 he published his groundbreaking book “Life After Life”, which became an instant bestseller. In this book, Dr. Moody introduced the term “near-death experience” and described the common elements that he found in the hundreds of stories he had collected.

These common elements included a sense of leaving the pPnel or towards a light, and encounters with deceased loved ones or spiritual beings. Dr. Moody’s work helped to popularize the study of NDEs and has influenced countless researchers and scholars in the field.

In addition to his work on NDEs, Dr. Moody has also written extensively on the subjects of reincarnation, psychic phenomena, and the nature of consciousness itself. He has authored several books on these topics, including “The Light Beyond”, “Reunions”, and “The Last Laugh”.

Over the course of his career, Dr. Moody has received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to the field of consciousness studies. He has been a featured speaker at conferences and events around the world, and has been interviewed by numerous media outlets.

Today, Dr. Moody continues to be a leading voice in the field of consciousness studies. He is a respected scholar and a compassionate advocate for those who have had transformative experiences that challenge conventional understandings of reality. Through his work, he has helped to expand our understanding of the mysteries of life, death, and the human experience.

I hope you enjoyed this and have time to meditate on the subject. What are your thoughts on “Life After Death?”


Popular Methods of Spiritual Communication

Methods of Spirit Communication
What are the most popular methods for Spirit Communication? Let’s dive into the paranormal pool and find out. Make sure to follow on Tiktok and YouTube for more!@scottythemedium

There are several methods commonly used for spirit communication, including:
Ouija board – a board with the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and “yes” and “no” written on it, which is used in conjunction with a planchette (a small pointer) to spell out messages from spirits.

Automatic writing – a method in which a person allows a spirit to take control of their hand and write messages.
Mediumship – a method in which a person, known as a medium, acts as a conduit for communication between the living and the dead.

Electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) – a method in which spirits are believed to communicate through electronic devices such as radios or recorders.
Seances – a method in which a group of people gather together to attempt to communicate with Spirits.

Spiritual communication is the practice of connecting with the spirits of the deceased, and it has been a part of human history for thousands of years. While the methods used to communicate with spirits have evolved over time, there are a few that have stood the test of time and remain popular to this day.

The Ouija board Is perhaps the most well-known tool for spirit communication. The board is a flat surface with the letters of the alphabet, numbers, and “yes” and “no” written on it. A small pointer, known as a planchette, is used to spell out messages from spirits. The Ouija board has been the subject of much controversy, with some claiming that it is nothing more than a game, while others insist that it is a powerful tool for communicating with the dead.

Another popular method of spiritual communication is automatic writing. This method involves allowing a spirit to take control of your hand and write messages. Some people believe that this is an easy and effective way to communicate with the dead, while others believe that it is a form of self-hypnosis.

Mediumship is a method in which a person, known as a medium, acts as a conduit for communication between the living and the dead. Mediums are often able to provide detailed information about the deceased, including their names, personalities, and even specific events from their lives. Some mediums claim to be able to communicate with the dead directly, while others rely on the use of tools such as tarot cards or crystal balls.

Electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) is another popular method of spiritual communication. This method involves using electronic devices such as radios or recorders to capture voices or other sounds that are believed to be from spirits. Many people believe that EVP is a powerful tool for communicating with the dead, but others believe that the voices and sounds captured are nothing more than background noise or electronic interference.

Finally, seances are a method in which a group of people gather together to attempt to communicate with spirits. During a séance, a medium will often lead the group in a series of rituals and exercises designed to open a channel of communication with the dead. Some people believe that seances are a powerful way to connect with the spirits of the deceased, while others see them as nothing more than a form of entertainment.

Overall, there are many different methods for spiritual communication, and what works for one person may not work for another. Whether you believe that these methods are powerful tools for connecting with the dead or simply a form of entertainment, it’s important to approach them with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism.

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Spirit Guide Meditation

Stepping into your Psychic and Mediumship abilities can be a daunting task, like cutting through thick foliage with a small knife. What makes your journey to truth easier? A Guide of course. Have you met your guides? Would you like to?

A question my students and clients ask me often is “How do I meet my Guides?” The answer is easy, the mode is easy, the discipline can be difficult at first, but I have a solution. Meditation is the key and the answer. Write down the question prior to Meditation; “What is your name, Guide?” That is your intention. Second, get comfortable, relax, and meditate. Whatever that is for you, music, sitting in silence, walking, running, whatever gets your brain to be silent and go to your Meditation state. I am a guided meditation kind of guy, it helps tremendously to help get into the mode of meditation. The last part is difficult, you must trust yourself. Whatever name, even if it is obscure or strange, that is given to you during meditation is your Guides name. When you are done meditating write your Guides name down. That’s how you address them and call them to you to speak.

You can have more than one Guide and probably do, so try this meditation several times, see who or what is on the other side guiding your journey through the thick brush of your Spiritual Journey. I have even gone as far as to ask each Guide what they do for me, how they help and when they step in to help. I suggest you do the same. Don’t be to surprised when you realize how many times they have helped you in life without you knowing it.

I hope this helps you get where you are going. As always I am here to help bring you to a new level in your quest for spiritual knowledge, giving you easy techniques that work for me.

If you’d like a Guided meditation by me specifically for meeting your Guides please follow this link and download it. I appreciate your continued support and I’ll see you soon!

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Whats Up Everyone!

Long time no chat. My absence from here, being able to write my thoughts and have a long form chain of words has been missed, mostly by me probably. I would like to say welcome to anyone who is new coming in, please feel free to hang out, feel welcome and safe and know that everything on this page is aimed at helping you learn through my journey.

Lately I was presented with a bit of a challenge, which drives me crazy really. I have never been good at meeting others expectations, hell, I can almost never meet my expectations. So when someone comes out of the woodwork with an alleged way to prove if “psychic and Mediumship abilities are real” it can be a real pain in the rear end. Especially when they are throwing $1,000.00 dollars around in an attempt to lure out folks like myself. But why…why present this way? There are far better ways and less aggressive ways to understand this ability. I’ve been a long time “skeptical medium” which means I am super hard on myself when presenting information during readings. If the information doesn’t come through in a very evidentiary way and I don’t make the connection necessary to unrefutably say I spoke to a deceased person on the other side who my client knew then I refund the session. Yeah, refund the full amount. The burden is on me to bring the information through, if it doesn’t happen then you get your money back. I don’t care if it was a three hour session and I failed, full reimbursement. It has been like that since I started and it is no different now. Has this happened to me? Yes. Twice. I remember feeling so down about it both times I felt like I was going to quit it all and be done. However both times, the next appointment with the next client, were absolutely amazing.

A better way to prove these abilities exist? Hmmm. Since mine came through in such a spontaneous way and very unexpectedly it just mean there is something happening in my brain or body and heck, maybe even Spirit that can be measured. Again, I like proof. I would have a group of Doctors, scientist and psychologists study me during readings. Hook me to machines measuring all my biometric stats, brain waives and so on. I’d have 4 types of readings set up and have all these professionals observe me during each.

I’d say a range of acceptable answers would need to be set. Each of us has unique perspectives and life experiences that can be interpreted differently. A panel would have to be fed the information for each test about the subject receiving the reading and each person from the panel would have to write their perspective of what they know about the subject, this would help develop a baseline of acceptable information given during the reading.

1. A simple photo reading, no human interaction. The Psychic or Medium looks at the photo and writes notes. When done the panel is handed the notes and they decide what is in an acceptable range of what is accurate.

2. In person 1 on 1 reading. No cards, no crystals ,nothing but pen and paper. Just the reader and sitter. Same parameters as the photo reading. Notes are written and the Psychic or Medium is allowed to conversate with the sitter in normal fashion of these types of readings.

3. A video phone reading, same rules as above.

4. A phone reading, no seeing each other with the same parameters as the other experiments.

When these are done and gone over if the percentage of correct information is given then it would be safe to say there are things science hasn’t gotten to yet. Of course this would have to be done with many Psychics and Mediums and different sitters in order to gather a large range of information, just like any properly conducted scientific research.

Of course this is a fantasy, as of right now because it feels as though main stream science would rather not understand this phenomenon and just write it off was woo woo nonsense. That’s my opinion, maybe there are folks in the scientific community who would like to tackle this. I hope that one day we can get to the bottom of this and for the record, I’m ok with this being debunked although it would make me wonder how I personally could have gotten so much correct over the years.

There will be more to this thought process coming soon, scientists and doctors I’ve read about or watched on YouTube who have ideas on the subject and I’d like to elaborate on their thoughts some more.

As always, thanks for reading. I hope this helps move the conversation forward in a positive manner with respect on both sides of the idea. Have a great day and remember to keep developing your gifts!


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Life Beyond

No matter if your journey is a Spiritual one, physical one or other type of journey now is the time. We have all been through so much in the last year, our development was forced. We were pushed and right now are continously being pushed further from our “normal” comfort zones and boundaries. That’s a great thing if you ask me, and since you are here I guess I can give you my opinion. Lol

Just a quick note. You are experiencing a shift. Thats how you got here. No doubt about that. Something incredible is happening, we are shifting. New purposes are being revealed and its time to have faith, in yourself and your Angels that you are on the right path.

I hope that you are doing amazing and finding new and creative ways to meet the challenges that have come before you and ones that still lay ahead. I am letting you know that I myself and finding new and amazing ways to meet the challenges of my life, financial, physical and yeah Spiritual. No matter how much you think you know there is always so much more life beyond right this moment.

Take advantage of these times, grow, test yourself and strive to be the best version of you. How have I been conquering my mountains? If you’ve been here a while you may know the answer, if you are new, the answer is the same. I am doing my best through meditation. Next blog I will tell you what meditation I am doing in particular that is working so well for me. I hope you come back and join me for that. In the mean time, I have links below that bring you to my YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Podcast. Plus you can explore my page here and hopefully pick up a few tips on your Psychic and Mediumship development.

Thanks for hanging with me! Remember there is a Life Beyond!

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Want to see me on Inside Edition as I investigate Miss Fannys Paranormal Party House? Yeah you do! Click this link and check that amazing video out!

Click the link below to visit the Shanley Hotels web page to book an investigation!
Visit the PARS Team YouTube and subscribe!

Here are a few links to my favorite meditation videos!

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Planetary Conjunction

Today marks the day of the Planetary alignment of Jupiter and Saturn. A day that a “awakening” is supposed to happen shifting those of us who want it from 3D to 5D. I never really thought too much into things like the position of planets effecting me, however recently the energy is different. Seeing as I don’t see a reason to possibly miss an opportunity I included a guided meditation in this week’s podcast. You should check it out and let me know of you feel more awake afterwards.

Follow this link and take a listen.

Visit me at and the paranormal investigation team at

Newest place to hang and get more content! My super cool podcast!

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Want to see me on Inside Edition as I investigate Miss Fannys Paranormal Party House? Yeah you do! Click this link and check that amazing video out!

Click the link below to visit the Shanley Hotels web page to book an investigation!
Visit the PARS Team YouTube and subscribe!

Here are a few links to my favorite meditation videos!

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Mediumship and Religion

The Winding Road to….

Sometimes it feels like the road to no where, then I remember that at the end of this life it will be somewhere. A paradise. A place to finally relax, be done with work and be at Home.

The negativity spouted at myself and people like me, Mediums and such., by “holy rollers” is just unbelievable. I have never met a group that says love everyone and then preaches hatred against others like these folks. I don’t pretend to know it all but I am certain that God would not give an extraordinary Gift to All of Us unless He wanted us to use it. I don’t claim to be the way to anything or preach about religion, hell I skirt the issue usually. My beliefs and values are not the same as everyone’s but I do try to be moral and lead a good life. I pray, I attempt to do good things with no expectation of reward. The path, the wide road it turned into is tough enough without being questioned by someone who has a devout belief that “You are going to hell for what you do.”

How many fund raisers have you done? How many families have you sat with and consoled? How much good have you done to spread the actual Love of God? Maybe more than me, I am just a guy trying to figure it out but I am also a Man who is using something amazing to do his part in a way that I find to be authentic and accessible to many. Is there an afterlife? Yeah, for sure there is. Thats my Faith speaking. Is there a Heaven? Yes. Thats my experience speaking.  Even for those tortured earthly souls who could not manage any longer and took there own lives! God forgives. God Loves. I’ve spoken to the souls of those who were unfortunate enough to not want to be here any more. My Faith in God has never been stronger. I will attest to that right now! So if “The Devil” is trying to steal me from my faith and God then the Devil done fd up because I walk with the Lord and need Him in my life because I am not perfect I’m not even that good. I’m just a man, a man with a gift. I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t seek it. God gave it to me. I am going to use it forever to spread as much Love and Positivity as I can.

This is the first and last time I will ever be “preachy” but if anyone questions my Love for God or my Faith again….well, I’ll pray for you. Your soul is hurt and more lost than mine on this road to Heaven.


Visit me at and the paranormal investigation team at

Newest place to hang and get more content! My super cool podcast!

10$ Sticker Mule Savings by following the link! You get 10 bucks and so do I! Winning!

Learn about my services here!

Join the discussion on my  private Facebook page!

Want to see me on Inside Edition as I investigate Miss Fannys Paranormal Party House? Yeah you do! Click this link and check that amazing video out!

Click the link below to visit the Shanley Hotels web page to book an investigation!
Visit the PARS Team YouTube and subscribe!

Here are a few links to my favorite meditation videos!

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Thank you for your continued support!

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