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Tell me your ghost story!

I get to share all my stories all the time. Now it’s your turn. I’m not asking much, shoot me an email or comment right here. Tell me your ghost story or freaky paranormal occurrence.

I love to get a bit freaked out and could use a good scare. After you tell me your story check out my Instagram TV for my latest video and my own creepy ghost story.

I’m learning alot about making little videos and using the camera to convey what’s on my mind. It’s working out well, check out this small clip and then get to writing! I’m looking forward to your stories!

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Develop Psychic Abilities, faster.

Let’s be clear, there are no shortcuts. However there are certain practices that can help you improve your Psychic and intuitive skills. I’m going to give you some pointers and hope you use them!

1. Ask friends to do photo readings of their relatives. What does that mean? Ask a trusted friend for a photo of a relative (living or deceased) and ask them if you can try to pick up traits about the person in the photo that you could not possibly know. For example, the persons favorite music, the color house they lived in, ailments, middle name and so on. Doing this with a trusted friend will help build confidence by verification. Your friend will be gentle with you when you are incorrect and should be able to verify the information about the person in the photo when you are correct.

2. Sit with a friend or relative. Ask them the name of someone they know (living or deceased) and see how many things you can pick up on someone based solely on a name. This is similar to the photo reading exercise but with less of a safety net. With no photo to aid you there is only you and the person you are sitting with. The person you are sitting with should pick a person they can verify information about. Write down everything that comes to mind, you never know what can be verified later.

In the photo below I told my client I saw her father in a brown suit with a yellow shirt. I did not have a photo to read, she sent this to me several days later. My handwriting from the reading is attached.

3. Sit down with a pen and paper, take a few deep breaths and let your mind go to ease. (I hope you’ve been meditating.) When you are quiet, begin to let information flow, what do you see, hear, smell or feel? Write everything down, no matter how silly or insignificant it may seem. After you are satisfied that you’ve written down enough go on with your day. Keep the paper with you that you’ve written on. During the next several days check off things you’ve written down on the paper. Mark them as significant, mundane or extraordinary. See how many times you come across something you wrote down that the odds of being there and happening are astronomical. I think you’ll be surprised at how much you pick up, even at first.

The key to these 3 exercises is to let go of your fears and insecurity. Once you tell yourself it’s ok to be wrong you will be ready to really grow your abilities.

Make sure you mediate and practice these three basic exercises often. The more you do them the more accurate you will become!

Let me know what you think of these exercises and leave a comment.

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram and check out my IGTV for more content! @scottythenjmedium

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Psychic Armor

Let’s talk about beefing up your defenses, against the living and the dead.

If you are a human being chances are you are affected by a million types of energy every day. Some electronic, some solar, some human and some Spirit. It can be a huge drain on your mind, body and soul. I have seen the effects range from irritability to physical sickness manifest due to the bombardment of every day energy.

Let’s list some steps to help back off the human energy right down to the lowest vibrations out there, demons. Of course all things take practice so don’t go out there after trying these simple steps a few times and think you are going to be safe fighting the darkness alone. Stay safe, follow these steps and lead a better life with cleaner energy.

1. Meditate- You can’t identify your own energy and what is contaminating it without meditation. If you read this blog often you know I’m a meditation hound. I’ll beat this dead horse and its Spirit too. If you plan to separate foreign energy away from your own you’ll have to identify your energy first. This is done during meditation and becoming self aware. Once you know what’s yours and what isn’t move to step 2.

2. Salt shower/bath- Don’t underestimate how powerful the table salt can be. Used for centuries by almost every religion salt is the ultimate energy cleanser. Think about the energy that you want gone and lather up with your favorite body wash and a few tablespoons of salt. You can use table salt if you have it on hand or something fancier if you like. It all works about the same. Once you are so fresh so clean move to step 3!

3. Surround yourself- Get a photograph of yourself and surround it in your favorite color pen, marker, string or ribbon. Pick several colors to really bring on the protection! There is no wrong that can be done here, as you are surrounding yourself in color make sure to remember that this is a protection barrier! Nothing bad can come in and influence you in your bubble, only good positive vibes are allowed in. Set your intention and when things start to affect you remember to be aware of them, visualize your barrier and kick low vibrations to the curb!

Once you’ve done that you are all set! Easy right? Remember to repeat steps 1 and 2 often and keep your photo where you can see it. Change the colors up every so often and see what kinds of new experiences you have after!

I hope you enjoyed this little post, stay safe out there and remember to MEDITATE!

Check out my new IGTV channel. Click the pic below to visit!

*all Marvel images belong to Marvel. I do not claim to be affiliated with them or to own their images. Pics for illustration purposes only

Seeing clearly with your meditation goggles.

“When I close my eyes I see places and faces, I’m unfamiliar with both but seem to have a connection with them.”

-Many people I speak with

I used to be surprised when I’d be doing a reading and people would clue me into their own natural ability to connect with Spirit or beyond. As far as I knew when I first started doing this there weren’t that many gifted Mediums or Psychics. How would I know otherwise? I laugh now because so many have stepped forward and told me. It makes sense to me, we all have a level of this gift one way or another. Are we all the best at it? Nope. I’m not a strong swimmer but I float pretty well. Can I become a better swimmer. Yup! With practice and coaching and a willingness to learn.

I am constantly learning and taking what I learn and bringing it here. One thing I’ve been learning alot about the last few months is how many people are thirsty for this knowledge. How can they improve, who can guide them? What are the “proper” steps to take? Wow, who knows! I personally have taken a little bit from everyone I’ve learned from and made it my own. I think that’s just human. What works for one doesn’t work for everyone. What is interesting is how many experience the same things when their Third Eye begins to open. Unfamiliar places and faces that seem to hold significance to them. That’s how it started for me and it was a cloudy unclear mess. Making sense of this gift is a bit of a burden at first, until the clarity comes. Then it is a true gift with many rewards.

If this is your first time here go back and start from the beginning or go from here. Nothing is changing. Opening your intuition begins withmeditations. Quiet your mind, create a comfortable place in your imagination to relax in. Place yourself at ease with breathing and grounding. Look back for tips on medications, mostly I recommend quiet music and a comfy spot to sit in for about 15 minutes.

Once you mediate and PRACTICE it for several days you will get better, your clarity will improve. It’s like swimming under water without goggles and then putting on a pair. You have seen shapes and colors but everything was out of focus. Now with your meditation goggles it’s all clear and you can see the vividness of the Spirit and all things around you.

Your intuition will guide you to what is important as long as you operate without hesitation or doubt. Clear your mind, breath, know yourself and become clear with practice.

I use this technique to speak with the deceased and to do psychic readings. There is no real secret except I practice and I believe what am experiencing. You do the same. Maybe easier said than done but I know you can do it!

Here is your intention. Write it down.

“I will see more clearly today than yesterday.”

I hope you are all doing well with your development! Questions? Please feel free to email me! Want to join my live Friday night videos on Facebook? Click any picture in the blog and it will take you there!

Don’t forget to schedule a reading in person or over the phone! Message me for rates!

Instagram @scottythenjmedium

What is in this for YOU?

When I take my time and stop for a little bit I reflect heavily on what I’m doing and what is in it for me. What am I gaining from giving away the information I’ve learned about Mediumship, Psychic gifts and all things “mystical?” Who is benefitting from this blog? Who am I really doing this for?

It’s a good question, one I’d like you to take a moment and ask yourself as well. I have been doing readings more and more steadily in the last few months and as a result my blog content has gone down, sorry about that. What has happened also though is I’m finding more and more people with gifts who need a place to start learning about them. Of course I direct them here and tell them to start reading from blog one and then think about how once they read through to the most current blog that they may be left hanging. I certainly don’t want to leave anyone hanging, especially if they are finding this site useful and easy to understand. With that said I will be picking up some new things to write about in regards to developing your own gifts. Now with that I ask “Who are you developing your gifts for and why?”

I started developing my own gifts pretty much out of instinct. I didn’t really have a motive other than I felt it needed to happen. Once I started to really dive in and understand who I was and how each of my own gifts worked I wanted to know more, not only did I want to know more but I wanted to test myself as myouruch as possible.

I started doing readings for friends and close family and it was a rush to say the least, when I would speak on behalf of a deceased person to the living. Describing an old apartment or fond memory they had, telling the living that the departed family member was alright and at peace became comforting to me. In the moment it was anyway, there was certainly a strain at home and there always will be. That’s with anything we dedicate time to, I want you to remember that for anything you apply yourself to. At first my wife thought it was a novelty or something I probably wouldn’t pursue too heavily, I have many interests and they all fizzle out and come back in waves.

Mediumship however never stopped being on my mind, it grew, like a small sapling into what is now a maturing tree. I consumed books and books, videos and podcasts and anything I could find for free on the Internet. Then something happened. I hit a wall. I grew as far as I felt I could. I kept reading the same things over and over, now what?

I decided I would take my perspective and knowledge and write a blog. Then the blog needed exposure so I started an Instagram and Facebook page for it. Then time went on, people booked me for readings and gave me glowing reviews, passed my cards along to family and friends. My Gift that was my passion grew into a small business. Well known people in the business of Psychics and Mediums have taken notice of me, even well known Paranormal Investigators ask my opinion on some of their cases. To say I’m humbled by all of that would be an understatement.

I recently became so overwhelmed with people asking for readings that I asked my wife to be the schedule keeper, a big step for me since I had been managing it myself for so long. Not only a big step for me though, a big one for her as well. Shellie, my wife takes care of our 2 young children, the house, the bills, the cooking and laundry and manages me now. My gift has turned into another job for someone else, thank goodness she took the position because I was drowning in schedule hell.

I write the blog for you. I want you to develop your gifts, whatever they may be. I want you to be as good as you can be with as much free information as you can get. That’s what I wanted for myself as well. I have that and so much more. Now, ask yourself “What is in this for YOU?”

What are you going to do with your gift once you have developed it into something that you can do on demand? Are you going to keep it to yourself? Are you going to tell friends? Will you make a business out of it? That’s all up to you. I just think about how I started doing this with no intention of being where I am and wonder what others are doing with the gift they have.

I’ll leave this session with this:

Do not have fear of the unknown. Embrace your Gifts, be positive and do this for you!


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Best Intentions

Intention, what is yours? If you have been following me for any time at all you would know that my intention is to teach as much as possible without charging anybody for one blog session. As long as you’ve been coming to my website I have always said that I have been trying to provide a service that I wish was available to me. My question for you now is what are you doing to pay it forward to others? Have you taken some of my advice and gone to other people like us and spread the knowledge? Have you tried to reach out for others with your gift that you have been developing? Have you tried to do some readings for the best interest of other people?

If you have not yet I would like for you to take a minute and think about how you can do something nice for somebody else. The most important part of this is not thinking about what you’re going to do but actually just doing something. The best intentions sometimes go unfulfilled. Execution is 100% the end goal. If you have been writing nice things down in your book to do for other people but have not done one of them then you truly haven’t done anything yet at all. Today, the day that you are reading this I want you to take one thing and do it for somebody else. It doesn’t have to be psychic related it could just be buying someone a coffee, picking someone else’s kids up from school for them, doing the laundry or cooking dinner. The sky is the limit and the ball is in your court.

Today’s the day that you are going to do something good for somebody else and you will not expect anything back in return. It is my belief that once you start doing good for other people the good that you will feel inside will motivate you to do more and once that feeling wells up inside of you enough the universe will take notice and start returning back to you what you have put out. Of course this is an old notion called karma but sometimes we need a real life day today example of how to get started. So today you were going to get started.

When you are done reading this please just hit the share button copy it and paste it to whatever social media you belong to and let’s get some really nice things going for everybody. Again I don’t make anything off of this except for the fact that I know I am trying to put the good out there in the universe for everybody to share in. I would love to see this shared so many times that you come back to me, and you all have great stories to tell me about all of the good that you have done for other people. Then you can tell your story about how you have been rewarded.



The more I connect the more I notice

Since you have been developing yourself or the more you have been actively investigating haunted locations the more you realize that it is all around you. If that statement holds true for you then you are not alone. Not only will you come to conclusions like that but you will most likely notice that more people like yourself are surfacing around you and making themselves known. This is something that is true in many avenues of our lives, like say when you want to buy a blue Honda Civic and you start noticing them everywhere. It is apart of the law of attraction, which is partly what this is about.

When you work hard for something you tend to surround yourself with people like yourself because they are most likely to help you succeed and help you accomplish your goals. If you are developing yourself as a psychic or medium then you are looking for other people who may be further along in their journey than you are to help you along. You read books and blogs like this one that can provide information or confirmation in the areas that you are looking for answers in. If you are investigating the paranormal you do the same, even if you aren’t sensitive to the spirit world. It is important to look for the signs around you and make meaningful connections to the sign being presented around you because they are there to aid you in your quest to fulfillment.

For me I have always been sensitive to Spirits and have always loved the paranormal but I didn’t have a clear connection with either and had no path to follow. Television believe it or not helped me realize what was going on in my own life and set me on a journey that has so far led me here, writing to you and hopefully helping you along. I think that the first TV medium I had seen was the Long Island Medium and when I watched the show I realized that she was doing what I do, connecting to the dead and speaking with spirits. I then realized that she was receiving these messages many times in the form of picture in her mind and it started to click, not everyone thinks like that and not everyone connects to each other that way. I then watched Kim Russo and realised that she would do the same thing and she would connect to Earthbound spirits or ghosts, and she connected in a way that I understood also.

The third Medium I saw on TV was Monica the Medium and after I watched a season of her show I came to realization that I was also a Medium just like all three of them. I read all the books they wrote and continue to read anything they publish. I went from needing to see the act performed to needing to understand myself more and learning from anyone who was a credible source who could help me along. I found a Mediumship group online and hung out for a bit watching others, then one day a woman posted a photo of her deceased 18-year-old daughter and asked for a reading. I looked at the photo for a little while and then it hit me, all at once. I could see in my mind where the young woman lived, the drug addiction she faced in life and the death she suffered. I quickly posted back to the woman who was looking for help and she validated it all. Shortly after more information from other Spirits came to me and for people I knew in my personal life. Before I knew it I was giving readings and connecting people with those who passed.

I then had an encounter which you can read about in an earlier post about a haunted theater and that led me to the Paranormal team I am apart of now. I am now teaching classes to other people about how to investigate hauntings and the more I get into the field the deeper I get involved with others who do the same thing, I am also noticing that I am taking leadership roles in these areas which I wouldn’t have imagined several years ago. I have realized that thanks to this amazing gift that I have a natural flow for so much of the unexplained and the paranormal. Let me say in conjunction with that, I do not believe or think that I know it all and nor will I ever claim that. I am always looking for answers and eager to teach others what I have discovered, which is why I have this page and why I spend time writing about it.

So what I would like anyone reading this to take away is this: If you are developing as a Medium or Psychic or a Paranormal Investigator or anything else please pay attention to the world that is occurring around you. Pay attention to the people coming into your life and help them and don’t be afraid to help them. Sharing ideas and thoughts and knowledge is very important, it not only helps us get along but it furthers the area or field in which you are involved in. Don’t be afraid to jump in and learn and that is equal for don’t be afraid to get in and teach, I would only caution that you should make sure you are doing no harm by your teaching. Positive intentions and a forward flow are important. Get out there today and make it happen, the signs are around you!



Dreams and Premontions

What may the future hold, for any of us? With the turbulent times we live in it is tough to predict what’s going to happen day to day let alone a week from now or a year and especially years from now. Sometime though we get a glimpse into the future and it could be any time ahead of us, seconds, minutes, hours and sometimes even days. The notion can come in form of a day dream or night dream and it can be so vivid we believe that it has happened already and we have just recalled a memory. These sometimes are called premonitions. A look into the future of our own lives or other people’s lives. I myself have had many premonition dreams and have had gut feelings about my life that I have acted on. For example I was about fourteen and I had a dream about my parents being in a car accident where neither of them survived. I told my mom and had begged them not to be in the same car for at least a week. My mom knew that I had some sort of gift and she was able to convince my not so believing dad into the idea of separate cars for a bit. Nothing ever came of the dream and both of my parents are still alive and well, I’ll never know if they just avoided fate by listening to me or if it was never in the stars.

Think back now, think back to a time when you had a dream or a feeling and acted on it. What did you do? What was the outcome? Recently I was contacted by a gentleman I did a reading for who had a story for me. He told me that he had a dream that he was in a cemetery standing over a body wrapped in a sheet and on the forehead of the body was a name, Gregory. (Name changed for privacy) My client woke up and sent a text to his friend and co-worker, Gregory. He told Gregory about the dream, to which he was replied “ok.” Gregory was late to work that day by about 2 hours. He explained that he was up with his sick children and wife and had no sleep at all and had felt that if he drove he would fall asleep at the wheel. Gregory changed his mind and decided to get some rest before driving thanks to the text message. So a life could have been potentially saved due to someone listening to that premonition dream. Even at the risk of sounding crazy an adult man sent a message that could have been a lifesaving due to a dream and that is fantastic.

To add to that story and just to illustrate how we are all truly connected I will give you a little side story. As I have said before I am a paranormal investigator and help out anyone I can in any way that I can, sometimes I receive photos to analyze and they are sent from all over the United States. My partner Patrick forwarded me a photo of a man and woman in a cemetery standing over a headstone with a strange white mist in the background of the photo. I didn’t think much of the mist but did pick up on some details of the photo. Now this happened about two days prior to the story above, I saw the name Gregory, then I saw a car accident and felt pain in my upper right leg. I saw in the same person death linked to another health issue and also that someone was shot. I sent the info back to Patrick who got back in touch with the sender of the photo. She said she was visiting her brother who was in a motorcycle accident and broke his femur (upper leg) and found that he had a heart condition which he later passed from. He was buried next to their cousin who was shot to death. They did not connect Gregory to anyone. It wasn’t until two days later that I found out why, Gregory was in need of some guidance which he got.

There are many stories like this all around the world and the reason I decided to take some time out and write about it is because I wanted anyone who read this to be aware that it is important to pay attention to premonitions and dreams and always your intuition. I know you have heard to always go with your gut, this is just a little story to help you understand that doing just that can be a major factor in someone else life, not just your own. I’d not be doing anyone any favors if I didn’t say that you can’t always change the course of events about to unfold and that is ok.

I couldn’t say why we sometimes get information and cannot do anything with it, I once did a meditation and saw my sister’s car and it had bandages around the tires. I couldn’t get in touch with her so I called my mom and told her to tell my sister to watch out for a flat tire and my mom laughed, I was a day late. She had a flat tire the day before. So who knows why we get some things, even up to really major events. I had a dream of a terror attack in a city near a big river, I didn’t know where it was really or what I could do about it but a few days later Chattanooga TN had an attack happen. I felt bad but I didn’t know he whole story and could not have prevented it, I just knew it was going to happen in a certain setting. In another example I had a woman come to me and she told me she was “abuela.” She was in a white gown and had a mint green wrap around her shoulders. I went to work and spoke to someone who I thought the message was for, I asked him if he had a grandmother with a “Lu” type of name. He told me that he had a neighbor who was like a grandmother growing up and her name was Lucy. He also told me she was alive but on hospice care. A few days later he called me after her wake and told me there was a photo on a board where Lucy was with all her grandkids and the boarder of the photo was mint green.

We are all connected one way or another and we can change people’s lives when we listen to our instincts and pay attention to the signs and promotions. How can we train ourselves to be more aware of when to act? Start by acting on the small things and keep doing the meditations I have given you. Keep being peaceful and wanting a stronger and better connection with the living and with spirit. You can and will influence others once you have yourself better in tune.
Do you have a story to tell? Leave it below or visit me on Facebook @ like the page and leave a story or comment! Also you can find me on Instagram @scottythenjmedium and on twitter @scottynjmed

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