Learning anything new is a challenge, wouldn’t you say? I definitely say that when it comes to all the online webpage development and advertising. Getting a foothold and a good grip isn’t the easiest, and like anything else we look to people who are successful at what we want to do and try to figure out the formula. I haven’t found the “magic potion” yet but surely enough I will keep mixing elixors until I get it right. 

Spending money to make money seems like a cash pit you can’t get out from under sometimes, albeit I haven’t put much scratch out there but the little expenses do pile up. This is the same for so many things in life, we spend money on transportation and it requires maintenance and the same with our homes and other things we need to survive and more importantly, thrive. I am a person who is always greatful for what I have but, yes but, I am always pushing for more. I always want to improve in things I am passionate about. This goes from learning about the internet to being a better father and husband right to spiritual development. 

I can attest to the fact that when hard work goes in, great results are earned. 

  Setting up to teach a class on the  Paranormal.

I will keep watching videos of seemingly successful folks on YouTube teaching methods of getting blog traffic up and utilizing Facebook and Instagram and trying to implement those things for my own formula. If you are reading this, that is because I have successfully taken some of what I have learned and put it into action. Have I messed up along the way? Yes. Even as I’m writing this I have a mislabeled button on my site I am trying to fix, I may have to call the help line…oh boy, that’s the second worst thing to asking for directions in a strange town. I don’t like to be lost so I swallow that fear of looking silly and ask. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you are doing new things and going new places, I guess that’s what I’m getting to here. Mediumship and Psychic work is natural to me but web page development is not, building a rocket ship isn’t something I could do either but if I was passionate about it I would find experts and blueprints and blogs and videos and study them until I got as close as I could. That’s a far reach right? Yeah it is, but developing even your most basic intuition is not a stretch. We are all born with it, it’s just a matter of amplifying it so we can hear it. 

Please take the time to read the other blogs here and know I am always learning as well as teaching and actively doing what comes natural to me. Working with Spirit. I am always trying to give everyone who comes here a basic understanding of themselves and what they are capable of in the most unintimidating way possible. Come back and visit, subscribe and like, I have lots more to teach and as always it’s free of charge here at Scottythenjmedium.com 

Thanks everyone!

Don’t forget to like my Facebook and Instagram 

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