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New Year New Beginnings!

Hey everyone!

Nice to see you all out there! Are you ready for some new and amazing things in 2019? I know I am! How are we starting it out? Well a little early to tell you the truth. I already started my vlog for 2019. Episode 1 is already up on YouTube. Click the link below to check out out, then lets talk about some of the new things happening around here and how I plan on helping you with your Mediumship and Psychic development.

Click here⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ to see Vlog 1!

I hope you had fun checking that out. Now that you have subscribed to my YouTube channel you can see when I upload new content including special talks that integrate with the blogs I write here. That means you can read the material and have some audio and visual aid to help you along.

We are going to go on a video adventure together in 2019. I’ll be chronicling mostly all that I’m doing, including events, reading and my home life. I’ll be writing special lessons to teach you all how to unlock your potential Psychic abilities!

I’ll be showing you how to apply your gifts in a practical manner that you can incorporate in your every day life. I’ll also be giving special lessons on how to start a small business like I have done and how to make it successful!

It’s all about learning and teaching and accelerating through life becoming better than we were yesterday! Lets make 2019 the best year yet!

Thanks for coming on this journey with me, I’m super excited to make new memories with you all! Let’s do readings, let’s make content and let’s have fun!


@scottythenjmedium on Instagram and Facebook

Check out my TikTok also! Fun!

Speak your truth and be good to others!

I feel as though we shouldn’t have to go past the title of today’s blog. We of course will and it won’t be preachy, I promise.

As I’ve gone through life my opinions have changed and most certainly my way of conveying those ideas has morphed. When I was young I was outspoken and whatever I said was right and anyone who disagreed with me was clearly wrong. I was in a band, I wrote lyrics about my life and any chance I got would scream them at the top of my lungs. I’m not a famous rock star so that didn’t really work out, it just wasn’t my path. I still love to create music by the way, it is a great stress relief. So the music thing was my platform and the lyrics were my truth, at the time.

A very embarrassing photo of my much younger goofball self. Clearly I was having a great time though.

I learned lots from those days of playing , writing and collaborating with others. I learned that some people shared the same truths as me and many had different ideas that didn’t match my own. Often I look back and am upset that I didn’t have the guts to listen to their opinions. What gems did I miss out on? For a second let’s think about “truth.” What we believe to be fact. There are scientific truths, we breath oxygen and the sky is blue and science explains why. How about a truth that isn’t scientific (yet)? We as humans have the capability to speak to the dead and far beyond that dimension if we open to it. What!?

Yeah, that’s my truth and it’s expanding every day. If I went back to 2002 and told 20 year old me that to my face, I would get mocked, called a hippy and maybe thrown back in the time machine I came out of. 20 year old me wasn’t ready for the truth that I have found now. Now, let’s pretend there are other people out there of all ages genders and race who aren’t ready for that truth. Wait, we don’t have to pretend, that’s a real fact. It’s cool though, they don’t have to adhere to my truth. I don’t even try to explain it to them, I am certainly not looking for confrontation. Even though I personally have been goaded into arguments many times before, I now know through time and experience it doesn’t move the conversation forward. They don’t have the same perspective I do so how could they understand this truth?

Now, just because we don’t believe the same thing doesn’t mean we have to be mean to each other. Actually I find that when people don’t understand where I am coming from I will work harder to being depth into the Spiritual Gift I have. My platform changed since the days of a dim lit stage and a sweet Fender Jag-Stang guitar. I now have this, the internet, my blog and Facebook and Instagram. Amazing places for like minded people to meet and share ideas. I don’t have to shout or be offensively loud to get my point across. I just type or make a video. It’s amazing. The best part? If someone comes to be a troll or a genuine pain in the neck I can just remove them. I don’t have to be mean or “stoop to their level.” (Hmmm matching thier low vibration?) I simply hit a button and they are ignored. Luckily I haven’t really dealt with it much. People tend to find me because they need peace and kind words that are coming from a genuine place.

Let me tell you, I have never and will never say I am perfect or don’t judge. I’m not going to put that untruth out there. I am a human and I make decisions on judgment of people all the time. It’s not a trait I love, especially when it is skin deep. The thing I have learned however is to keep it to myself whether I am in front of them or over the internet. My opinion of someone else does not matter. It is not a truth. Just like when someone speaks on me and they do not know me. They are not speaking a truth, they are just judging on their perspective and values. We can disagree on most things and still get along, I try to implement that as often as I can.

I love to say “good morning” and “thank you” and “your welcome.” Not in a corny cheeseball way. In a genuine respectful way. Connect with others and be genuine. Since I have been implementing that thought. That very intention my Spirit has grown and the negative has stopped flowing my way in a very noticeable volume. Life is becoming better.

For your future growth as a person as a Soul and perhaps as a Medium or Psychic Speak your truth. Speak it proudly. When others look to disagree let them. Do not engage with them. They are just behind your Spiritual growth, like 20 year old me. I didn’t know any better. Just smile at them and thank your higher self and whomever on the other side for your perspective and insight. You are blessed. Life is good, Spirit is good and you can infect others with your gestures and kindness that stem from your Spiritual Truth.

I hope that you enjoyed this, I certainly loved writing it. I know that you will understand this and take the message and run with it. That’s the intent. Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you on my Facebook page and on Instagram @scottythenjmedium

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Akashic Record Readings

When I hit “walls” and there is no growth I must find a new way around the block and in your life and journey so must you.

Many times I find myself going back to basics in order to find a new path and direction to head in. What does that mean? Sometimes readings are a bit unremarkable to me, sometimes remote viewing becomes commonplace. Once upon a no so long time ago those were crowing achievements in my gifts. I am engaged in readings almost daily and remote viewing when necessary. I love the paranormal investigations and the finding the “reason” behind the “haunting.” Problem solving is a huge part of utilizing this gift, those reading this who have gifts know that already.

Sometimes the problem solving is figuring out what it is exactly that your gift is and then how to implement it into your life. Do you act on it as I have and teach as much as you can while earning some extra on the side? Do you go and completely give yourself and gifts to others for the sake of doing good deeds? Maybe you keep it to yourself and just use it when its handy like a multi-tool in your pocket.

Whatever you do with it is obviously your choice. I decided that my initial path was this blog and to do Mediumship Readings, reaching people through Facebook and Instagram. Letting people know this gift is not a “curse” some who have it view it. I like the practical applications of these gifts, insight, healing and maybe what feels like a little magik from time to time.

My path has been clear for a while until recently, I was directed by my highest Guide to learn about the Akashic records. I started immediately meditating on them, finding YouTube videos on them and wandering the web looking for “practical” descriptions of what an Akashic Record was. I think that Edgar Cayce described it the best, I’ll link to a YouTube video about him and his life. You will enjoy it I’m sure.

Edgar Cayce video⬇️⬇️⬇️

He said that the records (and I’m paraphrasing here) were in a type of energy field around the planet and that energy stored every moment of every soul from the day it was created. What does that mean? It means that no matter who you’ve been or where and when that was there is a record of it. More importantly it is accessible to those people who want to read them.

What good can come from reading a souls Akashic Record? Well it’s good for identifying old habits that could be harmful or blocking that you’ve either developed in this lifetime or even another. I also have to tell you this, let me get my highlighter real quick.

*gets highlighter

Readings of the Akashic records also identify positive habits and joyful times through a souls journey. When positive attributes are identified we can use them to build on now!

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How amazing is that last statement? For me it is absolutely the most important part of the whole journey, for me and for you as well. You’ll have to trust me on this and that gets me back to the path I’m on now.

My readings bring healing and happiness with closure and usually a bit of magik, I use that last word as a way to keep your attention. When the world becomes a bit hard or stale reach back to your happiness and bring it forward. If you can’t find it maybe I can with an Akashic Reading, which will be coming soon.

What questions do you have about the Akashic Records? Have you ever had your read? What would you do if you could read the Akashic Records? Comment below and as always find me on Facebook and Instagram!

Having trouble getting that comfortable sleep? Use what I use. My pillow! Visit them below.

Mirror Mirror

Hey everyone! Have you been keeping up with me on Facebook and Instagram? I hope so!

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Recently I went to a private residence to investigate a possible haunting.

Here’s my write up on it:

I went to a home last night to investigate a possible haunting. After doing an interview with the woman who was being affected I made my way to her bedroom where all of the alleged activity was happening.

She claimed that she would feel brushing on her face, hear flutters in the night and become very anxious at night in her bedroom.
As soon as I walked into the bedroom I found that there was a perfect PSYCHOMANTIUM set up.

What’s a PSYCHOMANTEUM? Mirrors positioned to reflect each other into an infinite vortex. With the lights on dim this creates a perfect vortex for spirit communication.

Of course this woman had no idea that’s what the problem was, she had 3 closets with sliding mirror doors that faced each other and her bed was directly across from it. I was able to determine that spirits were manifesting through the mirror portal and sealed it. I also saged the home and closed any other portals.

For a final solution I told the woman to cover or remove the mirrors.
Sometimes we accidentally make ways for Spirit to communicate.
Have you ever heard of a PSYCHOMANTEUM?

The term Psychomanteum was coined by Dr. Raymond Moody who also is the head researcher of Near Death Experiences, if you have a chance check out his books.

You may have recently watched me do a live Skry session on Facebook which is essentially the same method of spirit communication with less mirrors.

A low light situation in front of a mirror with intent to communicate with a spirit or manifest answers to questions.

The way to stop the effect of the Psychomanteum at this womans home was to frost the mirrors in order to stop the infinite reflection of light and energy creating the portal for Spirit.

Have you ever had anything like this occur in your home? Leave a comment and let me know.

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Essential Oils and Spirit

Hey there! Have you joined in the craze of essential oils yet? If not I would say it’s a good time to. Let me tell you about how much more powerful my meditation is when I use essential oils. Super powerful!

Corked, Inc.“>

Folks who have sat with me 1 on 1 have certainly seen me apply liberal amounts of peppermint essential oil. Like bathing in it, well maybe not that much but alot. The peppermint essential oil is great for opening up your physical sinus and also helps excite the psychic senses. So prior to every reading I use my peppermint oil. What’s the most important parts of meditation? Breathing and focus. So peppermint oil.

Corked, Inc.“>

When its time to calm down I use cinnamon because it reminds me of Christmas time and makes me feel warm and calm. If you are having a bad day that would also be a good time to apply cinnamon. If you don’t want to apply the oil directly to your skin you can put them in a diffuser for your home or onto a bracelet or necklace specially designed to hold the scent of the oil.

What do I like to use during meditation? Lavender oil for me! It helps me relax and calm myself and brings me into a deep meditative state. I have the best and most vivid experiences when I use a small amount of lavender oil during meditation. It could be a different oil for you, so you’ll have to try a few.

Corked, Inc.“>

Is there some science behind this scented oil stuff? Yup!

Your sense of smell is your only cranial nerve, which means it’s the only one hooked up to your brain directly. It controls your eye movement and even your hearing at times. It has even been reported that a human can smell fear! Imagine that? Your nose is powerful enough to smell fear, so imagine if you are purposely looking for smells to activate your spiritual self. The possibilities are endless.

It is interesting to me that that the center of smell is behind the 3rd eye.

Corked, Inc.“>

I recommend starting with a small amount of oils, finding your favorites and then purchase larger amounts. Look into what each oil is associated with, some can help with a common cold, make good bug repellent and of course my favorite connection with

Click or touch any picture here and check out this great site to get started on your essential oil journey!

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Have questions? Leave a comment or join me on Facebook or Instagram. @scottythenjmedium

Halloween in disguise

Ever think about where the tradition of Halloween costumes originates from?

As a little kid I remember dressing up in a plastic Superman outfit with a mask that made my face sweat that I couldn’t see out of. I went house to house trick or treating for candy, along with the droves of other kids in the neighborhood. Mom and dad made sure we were in before the sun went down and as a kid that was cool because it was time to eat candy anyway.

Through my life I never thought of the supernatural aspect of costume wearing on October 31st. As you know from reading my blog I speak to the dead so it came as a surprise to learn that the costumes were to scare away the ghosts.

Halloween was started by the Celtics, they celebrated Samhain and lit bonfires. The costumes would ward away the Earthbound Spirits.

Wow, just wow. The ancient practice of trying to be more frightening than ghosts has taken a turn. Today’s specters probably mock us as they haunt us freely on Halloween, being more mischievous than ever before. They have been putting the Trick in our Trick or Treat rituals.

I guess little Timmy isn’t afraid of the monsters under the bed because we told him they doesn’t exist. So he can wear a superhero costume this year and not worry about cohabiting with a spirit and can take his time sorting the pillowcase loot into chocolate and hard candy. Although maybe he and you should be worried. If the Spirits don’t feel frightened I’m sure they won’t mind staying a spell.

I myself like the Ghostbusters costume. It fits me. I’m not afraid of ghosts and confront them when the people who are afraid cannot do so themselves. I won’t pretend that I don’t get the heebyjeebees time to time but when I do, I know what to do. Do you?

This Halloween when you are choosing a costume, pick wisely. Being frightening may be more beneficial than being “cute” for a night. Especially the night of Samhain, Halloween.

Happy Halloween!


Positive Momentum

If you find yourself achieving new goals and start to get freaked out because you aren’t used to the success Don’t back off!

What does that mean? Well personally when things start to go well I get a little sinical. Like where is the backlash of crap that’s gonna come with the good? I don’t back off but I also always am looking over my shoulder for the kick in the pants. With all new adventures and new endeavours there are going to be growing pains. There will be learning and set backs and things you don’t want to deal with. It happens to me all the time.

From the time I started developing my Mediumship, to public readings and publishing this blog there have been set backs and some of them are more than inconvenient. Some of them outright put my life in a tailspin. I feel like the character in a movie who pulls the airplane up right before tragedy strikes. That’s a real feeling. When you start to feel that way don’t let go of the controls, hold on! The only way to regain control and move forward is to grip tight and handle the issues.

No matter what life throws at you from personal to professional to spiritual you will not grow if you are continuously crashing when things get turbulent. (I think I’m using plane speak because I’ve been flying alot the last month.) The reason to endure the hard stuff? Growth! If you aren’t challenged and meeting them and failing at them you aren’t growing. What’s my failure point right now? Well personally it’s my weight. I have to lose some, it’s a problem for me. I keep trying. I haven’t given up yet. I also have a huge time management problem. I am learning by unfortunately missing deadlines and piling on more than I can handle at once. Without doing that though I won’t know my limit. I hope that if i keep overloading myself that I will get used to the work and adapt and get better if not, I’ll crash but I’ll crash holding on.

After I do crash I always have to look around and see what’s left. What went wrong and how can I get up again and move forward. DO YOU DO THAT?

It seems to me that a great time to learn is on the job, you can read here about developing your abilities but you won’t develop until you go out on a limb and push yourself. What’s holding you back? The same thing that held me back, being afraid of failing. That’s over. If you are coming here and reading and getting your head right to deal with and make your Spiritual Gifts stronger than let’s do it. for all of your paranormal investigation needs.

Here’s some homework. Find a friend. Read for them. Psychic or Medium or a blend and just put it all out there. When that’s done send me a message on Facebook and tell me how it went. I want to know! I’m looking forward to you hearing about what you excelled at and what you didn’t. What information can I give you to help you along? What other problems do you have that you need a tool to fix? That’s why this blog is here.

Message me on Facebook with your reading outcomes and I’ll see you next time.


Follow me on Facebook and Instagram @scottythenjmedium

Memes, where were we before they existed?

Welcome Back!

It’s been a while right? Yes. Yes it has.

Well not to worry. I didn’t go anywhere, well I did but not away for good. I was on a bit of a break. I’ve been learning new things and growing, personally, creatively and in terms of my business through psychic and mediumship. My own gift has gotten stronger and my intuition has led me in some new directions.

Let’s talk about you for a moment…

What have you been up to? Have you been developing? Have you gotten to the point of doing readings for yourself or others? Have you gotten over the fear of being wrong? I’m hoping all of the above is true for you!

Let me see, what can I tell you that’s new? Something to help you out and develop a bit. Oh I know!

When you are meditating or doing an active reading and the information is flying fast and furious through your mind and out into the world and things aren’t making sense, WRITE IT DOWN!

The last few months I have been chiseling away at readings with clients, individual readings, group readings, live videos you name it I’m into it. I am doing readings so much that information is running into each other. For instance I have had readings on a Tuesday and some of the info was way off but the next day at another reading I found the information was a complete match. The important part about this misplaced information is that I wrote it down and was able to show the second client that I had indeed seen more about their life or their deceased loved ones life.

If I hadn’t written it down I sure would not have been able to prove that I had already had pertinent information to share. That helps you and your client validate the reading. With that being said: when things aren’t making sense YOU AREN’T WRONG!

You are most likely just early with the info. So instead of getting all bummed out about being wrong and giving up on your current reading just write the info down and move on. Do not let random info that doesn’t make sense now trip you up!

You got this! 😁😁😁😁

So anyway. Besides readings I have been traveling a little. I went to New Hampshire with the family. Then recently South Carolina and Savannah Georgia. They all have great and different feelings about them. The East Coast has such old vibes it’s great to travel up and down it.

I guess that’s it for now.


Leave a comment, what have you been up to and what would you like me to write about next?


Live Facebook shows Fridays at 9pm EST.

@scottythenjmedium on Instagram and Facebook

Soul Contracts

Why? Why? Why? The beginning of so many questions.

“Why am I the last one?”

“Why did they leave me?”

“Why am I still here?”

zen jewelz by Zen Jen“>

I hear these and questions like them often, especially during readings. We all would like answers and we would like them spelled out neatly for us in black and white. Here on Earth I don’t think we will ever have access to that information but beyond here, where we come from and where we go there are surely filing cabinets full of contracts, “Soul Contracts.”

What do I mean when I say Soul Contract? Well I mean the agreement between souls prior to coming to Earth to live life. We make deals with each other to carry out specific errands, tasks and events in one another’s lives before we ever meet here on the physical plane.

zen jewelz by Zen Jen“>

Why? You ask. Well it puts into motion that we experience things that we are supposed to in a guaranteed timely fashion. What are some examples? Your parents agreed to bring you into their lives, your best friend agreed to meet you and be your best friend. Your first love agreed to meet you and then betray you. Your eighth grade math teacher agreed to be strict with you so that you would learn.

Many Souls you’ve met have made agreements with you in the Soul Contract. Even those who you’ve loved and they have passed on, seemingly leaving you behind alone. You made a pact with them and told them it was ok to do this. Your soul needed to learn a lesson and they agreed to help you.

Where are you getting this Scott?

zen jewelz by Zen Jen“>

Good question. As I am always deeply connecting with my own Guides I receive gifts of wisdom from them, I once heard them tell me about the notion of a Soul Contract and delved into meditations about what that was. I got my answers which I explained to you above. These contracts can be read by those who can read the “Akashic Records.” These are simply the story of our Souls kept as text in a cosmic filing cabinet. We will talk about that another time.

So the next time you find yourself wondering why relationships are the way they are in your life remember that you agreed to it, most likely to teach you something, the most important part of this journey, to learn. What are your relationships teaching you here on Earth? Who has come and gone, what did they bring to your life, what did they take away?

zen jewelz by Zen Jen“>

I hope I am fulfilling my Soul Contract with many of you. If you like my blog please subscribe, leave a like. If you’d like to hear more from me please visit me on Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks so much for all the love! I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Take Notes, show your work.

Hey everyone!

So, do you take notes when you are meditating or doing a reading? I do. It’s my signature move. Lol well it’s at least the way I keep track of what my train of thought is.

I recently started keeping “scrap” paper during readings, it has come in handy every time! Normally what I do is write everything down that comes in on the note paper in front of me, for the client I’m with at the time. Many times things dont make sense and the information is lost when the client takes the notes with them.

Sometimes what will happen is later that day or a few days later I’ll have another client and do a reading with them and I’ll feel like something is missing or I’m missing something, to find out during the reading I’ve already received the info I needed prior to sitting with this client! It’s so frustrating!

I just said that! Wait I drew a picture of that exact thing yesterday!

Then I wouldn’t have a way to back it up. Lol come on! Well I decided from now on (A few days ago) that I’m keeping specific notes on important details so I can show clients that the information was so complete that I had received it prior to them arriving.

Here are some examples of when this has happened:

I did a reading and drew a banjo and a broken mantel clock. The client didn’t know what that would mean.

Several days later I went to do a group reading at a clients home, as soon as I walked in the door there was banjo. When I took my seat on the couch there was a broken mantel clock on the table next to me.

I recently sat down with a client at her home at the beginning of a party and gave her a name, and a very specific medical issue and means of treatment. The client stated she didn’t know the name or the medical things the Spirit was conveying. The Spirit said to me “I’m going to be here a while.”

I wrote everything down on my scrap paper, the name the ailment and the words he said to me about waiting. I did 4 readings and then the final person came in. She sat down and I said hello “Jill.” I stopped, “Did you tell me your name?” She confirmed that she hadn’t. I started the reading and a man told me about his stomach issues and Jill told me oh that’s because of this specific medical issue, I stopped dead in my tracks. “I wrote that down prior to you coming in here!” I had my scrap paper and showed her. From there the reading continued and it was fantastic.

I wanted to tell that story to illustrate the importance of two things, trust everything that you hear, see, feel and “know.” Also, write it all down and make sure to remember as much as you can. To be clear, don’t try to make things fit where they clearly don’t belong. Only apply the information when it is very specific.

I hope you can use this in your meditation and readings!

Keep practicing and remember to visit me on Facebook and Instagram!

Book a reading, send me a message on Facebook!


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