I’m my own Skeptic, thank you.

In my first official podcast (https://anchor.fm/scotty-the-nj-medium/episodes/The-Origin-Story-of-a-Psychic-Medium–From-an-ordinary-life-to-an-extraordinary-journey-emccvb)  I tell the story of how my Mediumship journey really started and I’m going to provide more anecdotes as the series continues about how Mediumship has come into my life and shaped it.

One thing that should be abundantly clear is that I am my own hardest critic and my own biggest skeptic. If something does not make sense in a very specific way during a reading I dismiss it on the spot. As a matter of fact, I write down my thoughts during readings and let anyone who wants to record the session. Why? Because it is imperative to me as a skeptic to show my work. If I cannot bring proof in a way that is tangabal than what is the point? I don’t need someone to say “I don’t believe in people like you” or “I will only believe you if you give me something about myself that no one else knows.” That sort of thing is a challenge and I’m not here to perform for you or “prove” to you that what I’m doing is genuine.

The proof is in the pudding and a picture is worth a thousand words. Time and time again I receive information from those who passed describing specific photographs of which I could not make up the circumstances or describe with the best of imaginations and be accurate. However it keeps happening. Without those pieces of proof I would have stopped doing this a long time ago. Why? Because I NEED THE VALIDATION AND PROOF ALSO.

This is a simple retort to all those who are so arguently against an afterlife or Mediums and Psychics. From my life, from my point of view, I did not seek this. I have a good job and do not need income from this to support my family or even for extras in life. I am blessed beyond what I could have asked for. I am a Medium who was gifted something amazing and I refuse to ignore it and ask “what if” later in life. I will continue to do this until the day, if it ever comes that there is no proof or validation in specific ways from those in the living world showing me the physical proof of what I am saying during readings is true.

I am my own worst critic and a bigger skeptic than those who attack me. That alone drives me to be better and better and push my gift to find the limits where I can reproduce every time at every session. Which I am close to, but I’m still sharpening this pencil and I will continue to for a very long time.  I am not here to provide proof to the skeptic, or myself, but to bring healing in beautiful messages from those on the other side of life. The awesome side effect is continuing showing that there is an afterlife, we retain our personalities and consciousness and we love to check in on our living loved ones after we cross.

I hope you all understand and most importantly know that whatever your opinion is, I respect it and I don’t challenge it. You are a unique person with your own values and thoughts. You are awesome and I appreciate you.

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