Embracing Self-Love: A Journey of Acceptance and Growth.

Self-love is a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. It’s about learning to appreciate and cherish yourself, just as you are, with all your strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. When you love yourself, you develop a deep sense of security, confidence, and happiness that allows you to live life to the fullest.

However, for many of us, loving ourselves is not always an easy thing to do. Society often bombards us with messages that we are not good enough, and that we need to change to be accepted. We compare ourselves to others and focus on our flaws and weaknesses, rather than our strengths and achievements. These negative thoughts and feelings can leave us feeling worthless and defeated, making it even harder to love ourselves.

But the good news is, self-love is a skill that can be developed and strengthened with time and effort. Here are some practical tips to help you get started on your self-love journey:

Practice self-care: Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is an essential part of self-love. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, engaging in a favorite hobby, or just taking a walk in nature, find activities that make you feel good and do them regularly.

Surround yourself with positive people: The people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Seek out supportive friends and family who encourage and uplift you, and try to limit time spent with negative or critical individuals.

Speak kindly to yourself: Our internal dialogue is powerful, and the things we tell ourselves can either uplift us or bring us down. Be mindful of the things you say to yourself, and replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths, achievements, and qualities that make you unique and special.

Celebrate your successes: It’s easy to focus on our failures and shortcomings, but it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate our successes, big or small. Keep a journal of your accomplishments, and look back at it when you need a confidence boost.

Accept your flaws: No one is perfect, and that’s okay. Instead of trying to hide or change your flaws, learn to accept and embrace them. They are a part of what makes you unique and special, and you should never apologize for being yourself.

Self-love is not a destination, it’s a lifelong journey. It takes time, patience, and effort, but the rewards are worth it. When you love yourself, you develop a deep sense of confidence, security, and happiness that allows you to face life’s challenges with courage and grace.

In conclusion, self-love is not about being selfish or narcissistic. It’s about developing a healthy, positive relationship with yourself, and recognizing your worth and value as a human being. So start small, take baby steps, and remember to be kind and compassionate to yourself. Your self-love journey is a journey worth taking!


This blog explores the importance of self-love and provides practical tips for developing a positive relationship with yourself. Learn how to celebrate your successes, speak kindly to yourself, and practice self-care to enhance your self-esteem and confidence.

Tags: #SelfLove, #SelfCare, #PositiveThinking, #Confidence, #Happiness.

Spirit Guide Meditation

Stepping into your Psychic and Mediumship abilities can be a daunting task, like cutting through thick foliage with a small knife. What makes your journey to truth easier? A Guide of course. Have you met your guides? Would you like to?

A question my students and clients ask me often is “How do I meet my Guides?” The answer is easy, the mode is easy, the discipline can be difficult at first, but I have a solution. Meditation is the key and the answer. Write down the question prior to Meditation; “What is your name, Guide?” That is your intention. Second, get comfortable, relax, and meditate. Whatever that is for you, music, sitting in silence, walking, running, whatever gets your brain to be silent and go to your Meditation state. I am a guided meditation kind of guy, it helps tremendously to help get into the mode of meditation. The last part is difficult, you must trust yourself. Whatever name, even if it is obscure or strange, that is given to you during meditation is your Guides name. When you are done meditating write your Guides name down. That’s how you address them and call them to you to speak.

You can have more than one Guide and probably do, so try this meditation several times, see who or what is on the other side guiding your journey through the thick brush of your Spiritual Journey. I have even gone as far as to ask each Guide what they do for me, how they help and when they step in to help. I suggest you do the same. Don’t be to surprised when you realize how many times they have helped you in life without you knowing it.

I hope this helps you get where you are going. As always I am here to help bring you to a new level in your quest for spiritual knowledge, giving you easy techniques that work for me.

If you’d like a Guided meditation by me specifically for meeting your Guides please follow this link and download it. I appreciate your continued support and I’ll see you soon!


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Life Beyond

No matter if your journey is a Spiritual one, physical one or other type of journey now is the time. We have all been through so much in the last year, our development was forced. We were pushed and right now are continously being pushed further from our “normal” comfort zones and boundaries. That’s a great thing if you ask me, and since you are here I guess I can give you my opinion. Lol

Just a quick note. You are experiencing a shift. Thats how you got here. No doubt about that. Something incredible is happening, we are shifting. New purposes are being revealed and its time to have faith, in yourself and your Angels that you are on the right path.

I hope that you are doing amazing and finding new and creative ways to meet the challenges that have come before you and ones that still lay ahead. I am letting you know that I myself and finding new and amazing ways to meet the challenges of my life, financial, physical and yeah Spiritual. No matter how much you think you know there is always so much more life beyond right this moment.

Take advantage of these times, grow, test yourself and strive to be the best version of you. How have I been conquering my mountains? If you’ve been here a while you may know the answer, if you are new, the answer is the same. I am doing my best through meditation. Next blog I will tell you what meditation I am doing in particular that is working so well for me. I hope you come back and join me for that. In the mean time, I have links below that bring you to my YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Podcast. Plus you can explore my page here and hopefully pick up a few tips on your Psychic and Mediumship development.

Thanks for hanging with me! Remember there is a Life Beyond!

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I’m my own Skeptic, thanks.

I’m my own Skeptic, thank you.

In my first official podcast (https://anchor.fm/scotty-the-nj-medium/episodes/The-Origin-Story-of-a-Psychic-Medium–From-an-ordinary-life-to-an-extraordinary-journey-emccvb)  I tell the story of how my Mediumship journey really started and I’m going to provide more anecdotes as the series continues about how Mediumship has come into my life and shaped it.

One thing that should be abundantly clear is that I am my own hardest critic and my own biggest skeptic. If something does not make sense in a very specific way during a reading I dismiss it on the spot. As a matter of fact, I write down my thoughts during readings and let anyone who wants to record the session. Why? Because it is imperative to me as a skeptic to show my work. If I cannot bring proof in a way that is tangabal than what is the point? I don’t need someone to say “I don’t believe in people like you” or “I will only believe you if you give me something about myself that no one else knows.” That sort of thing is a challenge and I’m not here to perform for you or “prove” to you that what I’m doing is genuine.

The proof is in the pudding and a picture is worth a thousand words. Time and time again I receive information from those who passed describing specific photographs of which I could not make up the circumstances or describe with the best of imaginations and be accurate. However it keeps happening. Without those pieces of proof I would have stopped doing this a long time ago. Why? Because I NEED THE VALIDATION AND PROOF ALSO.

This is a simple retort to all those who are so arguently against an afterlife or Mediums and Psychics. From my life, from my point of view, I did not seek this. I have a good job and do not need income from this to support my family or even for extras in life. I am blessed beyond what I could have asked for. I am a Medium who was gifted something amazing and I refuse to ignore it and ask “what if” later in life. I will continue to do this until the day, if it ever comes that there is no proof or validation in specific ways from those in the living world showing me the physical proof of what I am saying during readings is true.

I am my own worst critic and a bigger skeptic than those who attack me. That alone drives me to be better and better and push my gift to find the limits where I can reproduce every time at every session. Which I am close to, but I’m still sharpening this pencil and I will continue to for a very long time.  I am not here to provide proof to the skeptic, or myself, but to bring healing in beautiful messages from those on the other side of life. The awesome side effect is continuing showing that there is an afterlife, we retain our personalities and consciousness and we love to check in on our living loved ones after we cross.

I hope you all understand and most importantly know that whatever your opinion is, I respect it and I don’t challenge it. You are a unique person with your own values and thoughts. You are awesome and I appreciate you.

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Mediumship and Religion

The Winding Road to….

Sometimes it feels like the road to no where, then I remember that at the end of this life it will be somewhere. A paradise. A place to finally relax, be done with work and be at Home.

The negativity spouted at myself and people like me, Mediums and such., by “holy rollers” is just unbelievable. I have never met a group that says love everyone and then preaches hatred against others like these folks. I don’t pretend to know it all but I am certain that God would not give an extraordinary Gift to All of Us unless He wanted us to use it. I don’t claim to be the way to anything or preach about religion, hell I skirt the issue usually. My beliefs and values are not the same as everyone’s but I do try to be moral and lead a good life. I pray, I attempt to do good things with no expectation of reward. The path, the wide road it turned into is tough enough without being questioned by someone who has a devout belief that “You are going to hell for what you do.”

How many fund raisers have you done? How many families have you sat with and consoled? How much good have you done to spread the actual Love of God? Maybe more than me, I am just a guy trying to figure it out but I am also a Man who is using something amazing to do his part in a way that I find to be authentic and accessible to many. Is there an afterlife? Yeah, for sure there is. Thats my Faith speaking. Is there a Heaven? Yes. Thats my experience speaking.  Even for those tortured earthly souls who could not manage any longer and took there own lives! God forgives. God Loves. I’ve spoken to the souls of those who were unfortunate enough to not want to be here any more. My Faith in God has never been stronger. I will attest to that right now! So if “The Devil” is trying to steal me from my faith and God then the Devil done fd up because I walk with the Lord and need Him in my life because I am not perfect I’m not even that good. I’m just a man, a man with a gift. I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t seek it. God gave it to me. I am going to use it forever to spread as much Love and Positivity as I can.

This is the first and last time I will ever be “preachy” but if anyone questions my Love for God or my Faith again….well, I’ll pray for you. Your soul is hurt and more lost than mine on this road to Heaven.


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The Pressure Builds! 3 steps to help YOU relax.

Wow, just wow. Being an Empath is exhaustive! We are getting to that time of year too, when everyone feels bared down on, worn out and tired. 2020 has made that feeling even more amplified by not giving any of us a break. Pandemic, job loss, money issues, political crisis and so much more. If 2020 was a movie the trailer would look like a horror movie. I don’t think I’d be inclined to watch, horror movies get me worked up in the worst ways. I feel for the characters on screen, yeah, even ones that may be getting what they deserve.

Thats being an Empath. Feeling others emotions and maybe even getting those sympathy pains too. That’s just from watching a movie. Imagine what it’s like to be around real life people. A little harder to imagine right now with things being “locked down.” I hate buzz words but that one is going to ring in my ears like a school bell for as long as I live. The pressures everyone is feeling are the same I’m feeling and if you are an empath, than you are feeling it too. How to cope? Thats the question.

1. Take a breath. Slow controlled breaths tell our mind that everything is going to be ok.

2. Make a plan. Take the guess out of the day. Make a plan and stick to it. If things come up that are not in the plan, take a breath, handle it, get back to the plan.

3. Repeat after me: “I’m stronger than the circumstances presented to me and I’m going to make it.” Thats an easy mantra I want you to apply to life.

Scott, how does this help me with my Empathic nature? Well it helps take the anxiety out of the day. When people approach you with their own stressors you can hit step 1. Then see if its in the plan, no? Step 1 a few times. Deal with the new issues. Don’t over stress yourself with others issues and then remember #3. You got this. 2020 is a pain in the ass! However you are strongest person you know and its time to take your feelings and your life back!

Have steps you want to add? Leave me a comment and tell me what they are!

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Quiet Yourself Learn To Meditate

How can I explain an easy way to quiet the mind? Well its a different experience and method for each of us. I always tell people in order to be able to achieve tapping into your paychic ability is about Meditation and being quiet in your own mind.
Your head is your space. You cannot let other people into it, that means all the daily day to day tasks, appointments, school, finance, they all have to leave. Well that can be easier said than done, I know all of those things rent space in each of our heads and they all have a “voice.” Each voice is different and bring different level of “anxiety” which is really just an importance level you have assigned in your mind. Thats all good, for sure. It makes sure the kids are picked up from school, work tasks are accomplished and the bills are paid. All of those things are your “Big Voice” inside your head.
Well if there is a big voice, there must be a
“Little voice.” You would be correct. That little voice in there is like a nagging kid in the backseat! “I know you are talking but I have to drive this car safely and get us where we are going!” What if you could let go of the steering wheel for a few minutes, the ride is completely self driving and completely safe. Now you can listen to that little voice in the back tell you all kinds of things. The colors of the world you are missing, the things you have forgotten about. You can listen to the questions and ponder the answers more deeply. You can enjoy that little voice a little more. That little voice can also give you wisdom because that little voice is not a child it is your intuition and it is actually quiet loud if you let it be.

Now that you hopefully understand with my little analogy of what intuition is and what the little voice is, you’ll understand how to focus on it with a few tips, which I’ll give you now.

1. Put it on autopilot. What can we do to achieve our bodies autopilot? Everyone is different and it really comes down to a few things. You need to know what relaxes you, on a big scale at first. What do you do to forget the world around you so you can listen to the world inside of you?
I will link a few really amazing YouTube videos here that are just relaxing and calming music or white noise. Find one that fits you.
When you have done that find something dark to place over your eyes like a sleep mask or even just a dark tshirt.

2.Lay down in your bed, put the music you have chosen at a comfortable level and now put your mask over your eyes.
2. Set your intention. You have come this far. You want to clear your mind, relax and get in the mood to be calm or to connect with your higher self, guides or Spirit. This is where focusing on your breathing helps. Feel your chest rise, feel it fall. Feel the air go in and out of your nose. Take several deep breaths. Relax. See the darkness, recognize it. As you focuse on the dark and breathing your ears will hear the sounds you’ve picked much better. Do this for a few minutes. You will feel sleepy. Calm and relaxed. Nothing else aside from what you are doing matters. Not the bills, not work, not your chore list. This is for you, this will help you be a better more focused individual the better you get at it.

Here is your blank movie screen. What do you see?

3. With your imagination put a TV screen, phone or movie theater screen in front of you. Project it onto that screen. Its blank right now, it’s all that is in front of you though. Once you can see the screen well pick something, any topic you want to reflect on. See the images of that topic flicker to life in front of you. If you are seeking a Guide as them to appear, if you are seeking a deceased loved one, ask them to appear. If you are looking for guidance on a deep personal decision ask the related answer to appear.

Once you have worked through those three steps you will be able to meditate easily. It takes time, give yourself the time. You can so this day or night. Make sure you aren’t too tired or you’ll just fall asleep. Once you’ve worked this out it is important to document what you saw, felt and “heard.”  (The thoughts you had during the meditation.)

Things absolutely will be foggy at first. Clearing away all stress and life is not easy, it’s an exercise. One that needs to be repeated often to get better at. Once you become proficient at it thought, you’ll do it while awake. You’ll learn to make better decisions based on you intuitive self and hopefully you’ll be calmer and better equipped to deal with anxiety and stress. You’ll be able to go to a relaxing quiet space in your mind whenever you need in order to escape the waking stress. Then you can better handle the stress without feeling overloaded and trapped by it.

Stay tuned for my own video on my YouTube chanel where I will do a guided meditation.

I hope this helps you clear your mind, focus and gain the insight you have been looking for. Please follow my blog, leave a comment and share with your friends!


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A valuable lesson

A lesson I have learned through Mediumship is to be less judgmental.

I have never really been one in my life to “judge a book by its cover” but being human it has happened.

I have learned so much about the trials a human soul endures through Mediumship and part of what helps my Gifts get better and grow is that I have learned to not put anyone in a box. Good, bad or indifferent. Sure I have my values and morals but I don’t use them to judge others. They lead a life I couldn’t understand and I possibly lead one they couldn’t understand.

I’ve spoken to War Heros, Celebs, Moms, Dads, cousins and friends. I’ve spoke to drug users and folks who spent serious time in prison. None of those things usually defines a person’s whole life. That helped me in my life because I am a Dad a husband a son, a first responder and a Medium. I am a former Marine and I have some of the best friends in the world. I am sure everyone would speak about me in different ways and have different ideas of who I am, just like we experience each other differently.

There are lots of chapters to books. Good ones, bad ones, long ones, slow and sad ones and many that are exciting. Read the whole book, don’t judge and remember to treat everyone kindly.

Thats a lesson Mediumship has taught me.


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Psychic Practice Tips

There are certainly many different names for folks who can “see into the future.” Fortune Teller, Gypsy, Psychic, Seer and I’m sure many more. What makes a person Psychic or any if the things listed above? Practice is the short answer! That’s really what it takes and no matter how good you “naturally” are you must practice. I talk at length on this blog about meditation and focus and of course setting intentions but those are just the steps to opening the psychic gifts. Once you grab those coat tails of the Universe and start to get a glimps of your own abilities and what may actually lay ahead of you in your journey you must practice.

Let’s quickly list a few things that help one practice. Let’s say 3 easy Psychic Exercises to get you going and that you can use every day!

1. Before turning on the television in the morning make a mental note of one News Anchor or daily TV show host. Think about them for that day. See what they are wearing. Is there a certain solid color on them? An animal print dress perhaps? Shoes that really stand out or fancy jewlery you could describe to someone else? Once you have the thought in your head, write it down! Then turn on the tv and see what that person is wearing. Were you right on? Close? Not close at all? It’s ok if you didn’t get it today, you wrote it down. Maybe tomorrow or someday soon exactly what you envisioned will be just what they are wearing. You’ll feel validated and amazing once you start to hone in on the details every day. Thats the first and easiest psychic exercise.

2. Clear your mind. Who is someone you have not heard from in a while but would be likely to contact you? Write that name down. Then write a time line as to how long from this day you feel they will contact you. Is it tomorrow? Next week, maybe next month. Write down your prediction and don’t be afraid to be wrong. Its about getting close, then closer and closer as you develop. Want an extra challenge to this? Write down why they are contacting you. Extra points if you got it!

3. This one is fun. Try to psychically pick up on peoples birthdays. Try with celebrities since you can look the info up to verify it. I suggest to pick a favorite celebrity of yours, picture them in your head and see what indicators come to you for Birthday signs. Do the numbers just pop up? Can you see the name of the month? Maybe you are super in tune and the Zodiac sign they were born with appears. Whatever the sign is, write it down. Then look up the person and verify it! That is so fun! Pick one a day and see how quickly you start understanding how your Psychic voice speaks to you and gives you information.

Birthday? Scroll to the bottom to find out. Are you right?

These little excercises are meant to be helpful and non-defeating, which means that if you don’t get it right immediately keep trying because you WILL get it! If you found this helpful please make sure to pass it along to a friend or family member who also may like to test their own skills and then develop them further.

Need a nice notepad to keep your predictions in? Check this one out!

Need a nice Journal to keep your predictions in? Check this one out!
Add strength and clarity to your Psychic visions with a beautiful Labradorite.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day and good luck with your practice and progress, please feel free to leave questions or comments below.


Visit me at scottythenjmedium.com and the paranormal investigation team at parsinvestigations.com

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Tom Holland Born June 1st, 1996. Did you get it?

Grounding in Reality.

It seems that when I read about Psychic development I see the word “grounding” in sentences that say it is important so that you can connect with Spirit better. This may be, but the real reason is so that you can stay connected to our reality.

Here is your Grounding Cord

Grounding is the anchor in the sea of Spirit. It doesn’t necessarily make it easier for you to communicate with them but certainly makes it safer. Imagine if when an astronaut did a space walk they just went out there without a tether. They would float off into infinity and beyond. Well that’s the idea of your grounding cord to the Earth during Spirit communication, psychic work and even meditations.

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The cord should help provide good positive energy flow from the ground up in order to strengthen your signal but at the same time it needs to keep you firmly planted here in the third dimension so when your Spirit work is done you can come back to where you belong.

Have you ever been told you are a “space cadet?” Maybe that you aren’t present during a conversation or many conversations? Happens to me often enough. It’s because I wasn’t doing the basic thing I should have been doing, keeping a strong grounding cord to the Earth. Yeah, it’s a metaphysical cord but it works, keeps us planted on Space Station Earth. When we practice making the cord prior to every Spirit consult or meditation we do it becomes stronger and more second nature, it stays in place during our practice and when we are out doing everyday people stuff like having dinner, watching a movie or hanging out with the family.

Click the butterfly to learn meditation techniques you can use today!

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Remember to practice grounding yourself into our reality when you aren’t doing Spirit work, your life will be much more bright and fuller!


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