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Quiet Yourself Learn To Meditate

How can I explain an easy way to quiet the mind? Well its a different experience and method for each of us. I always tell people in order to be able to achieve tapping into your paychic ability is about Meditation and being quiet in your own mind.
Your head is your space. You cannot let other people into it, that means all the daily day to day tasks, appointments, school, finance, they all have to leave. Well that can be easier said than done, I know all of those things rent space in each of our heads and they all have a “voice.” Each voice is different and bring different level of “anxiety” which is really just an importance level you have assigned in your mind. Thats all good, for sure. It makes sure the kids are picked up from school, work tasks are accomplished and the bills are paid. All of those things are your “Big Voice” inside your head.
Well if there is a big voice, there must be a
“Little voice.” You would be correct. That little voice in there is like a nagging kid in the backseat! “I know you are talking but I have to drive this car safely and get us where we are going!” What if you could let go of the steering wheel for a few minutes, the ride is completely self driving and completely safe. Now you can listen to that little voice in the back tell you all kinds of things. The colors of the world you are missing, the things you have forgotten about. You can listen to the questions and ponder the answers more deeply. You can enjoy that little voice a little more. That little voice can also give you wisdom because that little voice is not a child it is your intuition and it is actually quiet loud if you let it be.

Now that you hopefully understand with my little analogy of what intuition is and what the little voice is, you’ll understand how to focus on it with a few tips, which I’ll give you now.

1. Put it on autopilot. What can we do to achieve our bodies autopilot? Everyone is different and it really comes down to a few things. You need to know what relaxes you, on a big scale at first. What do you do to forget the world around you so you can listen to the world inside of you?
I will link a few really amazing YouTube videos here that are just relaxing and calming music or white noise. Find one that fits you.
When you have done that find something dark to place over your eyes like a sleep mask or even just a dark tshirt.

2.Lay down in your bed, put the music you have chosen at a comfortable level and now put your mask over your eyes.
2. Set your intention. You have come this far. You want to clear your mind, relax and get in the mood to be calm or to connect with your higher self, guides or Spirit. This is where focusing on your breathing helps. Feel your chest rise, feel it fall. Feel the air go in and out of your nose. Take several deep breaths. Relax. See the darkness, recognize it. As you focuse on the dark and breathing your ears will hear the sounds you’ve picked much better. Do this for a few minutes. You will feel sleepy. Calm and relaxed. Nothing else aside from what you are doing matters. Not the bills, not work, not your chore list. This is for you, this will help you be a better more focused individual the better you get at it.

Here is your blank movie screen. What do you see?

3. With your imagination put a TV screen, phone or movie theater screen in front of you. Project it onto that screen. Its blank right now, it’s all that is in front of you though. Once you can see the screen well pick something, any topic you want to reflect on. See the images of that topic flicker to life in front of you. If you are seeking a Guide as them to appear, if you are seeking a deceased loved one, ask them to appear. If you are looking for guidance on a deep personal decision ask the related answer to appear.

Once you have worked through those three steps you will be able to meditate easily. It takes time, give yourself the time. You can so this day or night. Make sure you aren’t too tired or you’ll just fall asleep. Once you’ve worked this out it is important to document what you saw, felt and “heard.”  (The thoughts you had during the meditation.)

Things absolutely will be foggy at first. Clearing away all stress and life is not easy, it’s an exercise. One that needs to be repeated often to get better at. Once you become proficient at it thought, you’ll do it while awake. You’ll learn to make better decisions based on you intuitive self and hopefully you’ll be calmer and better equipped to deal with anxiety and stress. You’ll be able to go to a relaxing quiet space in your mind whenever you need in order to escape the waking stress. Then you can better handle the stress without feeling overloaded and trapped by it.

Stay tuned for my own video on my YouTube chanel where I will do a guided meditation.

I hope this helps you clear your mind, focus and gain the insight you have been looking for. Please follow my blog, leave a comment and share with your friends!


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A valuable lesson

A lesson I have learned through Mediumship is to be less judgmental.

I have never really been one in my life to “judge a book by its cover” but being human it has happened.

I have learned so much about the trials a human soul endures through Mediumship and part of what helps my Gifts get better and grow is that I have learned to not put anyone in a box. Good, bad or indifferent. Sure I have my values and morals but I don’t use them to judge others. They lead a life I couldn’t understand and I possibly lead one they couldn’t understand.

I’ve spoken to War Heros, Celebs, Moms, Dads, cousins and friends. I’ve spoke to drug users and folks who spent serious time in prison. None of those things usually defines a person’s whole life. That helped me in my life because I am a Dad a husband a son, a first responder and a Medium. I am a former Marine and I have some of the best friends in the world. I am sure everyone would speak about me in different ways and have different ideas of who I am, just like we experience each other differently.

There are lots of chapters to books. Good ones, bad ones, long ones, slow and sad ones and many that are exciting. Read the whole book, don’t judge and remember to treat everyone kindly.

Thats a lesson Mediumship has taught me.


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Time Travel Through Psychometry

Time Travel Through Psychometry

Imagine you could travel through time like Marty Mcfly and Doc Brown in Back to the Future. What an amazing experience that would be. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like a silver DeLorean time machine isn’t going to come blazing into our reality anytime soon, so we need to use what we have. What we can reach out and grasp today.

That would be Psychometry.

The ability to reach out and touch an object and be brought back in time to where it was made, who utilized it and many rich details about that person and their life. It all starts with knowing how to do the technique.

Bring a pen and paper for this exercise.

First, have a friend give you an object they know would have some rich history, family heirlooms work best. Put the object in front of you. Turn your palms upward and place them in front of you. I want you to imagine that on each palm there is swirling energy. Pick a color that would work best for you, I love red and blue for this exercise but you pick what you like!  After you have your energy moving in your palms, I want you to see the energy expand, spin faster and become brighter. When you are comfortable your energy is where you want it I want you to take several deep breaths. This will bring calmness. Close your eyes for a moment and clear your mind.

Next open your eyes and reach out in front of yourself.  Pick up the object, handle it, run your hands over it. What impressions are you receiving? Are having any emotional reactions? What are they? Does the object have its own energy? Are any impressions of an owner coming through? What they look like, where they lived. Maybe you can see the origin of the object or the journey it has been on since it was made.

Once you start getting impressions take a break every few minutes and write everything down. Do not worry about being “wrong.” Your focus is not to be right, just to be getting information. If you feel like you are struggling take a breath, clear your mind again and start over. This technique will not work immediately for many people, however for some you will be overwhelmed with information. We all have strengths and weaknesses and we all have to work on our gifts.

Once you feel that you have gotten as much information as you could, finish writing. Place the item down. Look at your palms, see the energy and close it up. Thank your energy for working with you. Place your palms down and breath out. You should be excited and happy that you have just completed such an awesome exercise!

Read your notes to your friend. Compare your impressions to what they actually know about the object. Who owned it, where it came from and so on. Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t hit it out of the park, this is a starting point and I bet you got some things right! Even if they were in a round about way of being correct. Make sure to take the victories!

I hope you practice this and apply it often, when you become confident you will use this technique all the time, sometimes without knowing it. Psychometry is one of my favorite techniques to use when doing readings and especially during paranormal investigations.

If you like this article please comment on it and share it with like minded folks. Want more tips, ask me! I will do my best to answer any questions!

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The Ouija Board Experience

As Halloween gets closer we are thinning the veil and for non-psychic, thrill seeking horror obsessed adventurers the Ouija Board is the ticket to the other side. The questions is “Are you brave enough to play?”

I am and its an absolute thrill, the planchet slides across the board, letter to letter, yes, no, Goodbye…”I’m not moving it! Are you?” Is exclaimed by users, oh the delight. An invisible force is pushing a physical object and actually communicating! Have you had this experience? Did you light candles and burn incense, a very low lit room and a dramatic scene is set. Sitting criss cross applesauce with a friend, the tension is palpable. You both place your fingers lightly on the triangle with the glass “eye.”

“Is there anyone there who wants to speak with me?”

The planchet nudges upward, slowly…”Yes” an unknown force answers. You and your friend let get go of the planchet. Shocked…”It moved.”

Whats next? You put your fingers back on the planchet and you ask for a sign that a Spirit is present. “Can you show yourself? What is your name?”

The planchet once slow and groggy jumps to life under your fingers! Quick it moves, you can barely hold on to it! Figure 8’s over the board are preformed over and over again! “Who is this?” You exclaim!

The planchet stops dead in the center of the board. The room feels colder, darker, smaller. Slowly your fingers are guided to the first letter of this entities name “Z”…the next “O”…again…”Z”…and it stops on…”O.”

What have you contacted? You pull your hands from the board. Your friend stares at you, mouth open. A knock from the corner of the room! The wind? A louder knock follows, that’s 2…the candles dim and the flames almost extinguish..a third knock so hard your crossed legs feel the floor shake below you! A face appears! You jump, screaming, throwing the board and turning on the lights to the room. Your friend is standing in the middle of the room, glassy eyed and shaken. Everything in your room is visible and you here a voice…“I am ZOZO AND YOU HAVE AWAKENED ME!”

You bolt like lightening away from the room leaving your friend as they are still in a trance, your feet don’t feel the stairs below them, out the front door. You look up into your room. Your friend is at the window and a dark hooded figure appears behind them. The lights flicker, the hooded figure is gone and so is your friend.

Afraid still, adrenaline pumping you get strength to enter your home, you’ve lived here for years, had holidays and birthdays here, watched television with your family here, the safety that once was is gone. You make your way up to your room. Each step upward is a crushing weight on your chest. Like being compressed by heavy stones. Your breathing is almost nothing now but every breath is loud like thunder in your ears. You walk several steps to your room. The lights are on…the Ouija board, the candles, your friend are all gone…

What now?

Happy Spooky Season! Hope you enjoyed that! If you did leave me a comment below!

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Digging Deep For Grounding

As this pandemic keeps on and most of us are doing our part by staying home I realize that even for myself it is becoming harder and harder to stay grounded. Emotionally, physically and mentally the entire world is being challenged. Nothing like this has happened in my lifetime, and probably not yours. My children though, they are seeing it now and may see something like it again. They won’t be prepared for it though if it happens again, unless I show them how to ground and to stay healthy mentally, Spiritually and physically.

I think that Spiritually being grounded at a time like this is the anchor, the most fundamental part of yourself, each of us and can keep the mental and physical going through a trying time like this. What do I mean by being “grounded?” Well, it’s up to each of us individually how to apply what I’m speaking about. For me, meditation and praying are my grounding techniques. They are the usual however what’s happening now is that I have not been doing readings or dipping into the Spirit world for anyone but myself and my family. My Guides stopped me a few weeks before all of this began and basically told me it was time to recharge and I my Spiritual Energy battery is at maximum capacity.

So, what have you been doing to stay grounded while inside without contact from your friends and family? Chores, house work? Organizing that pile of mail? Maybe you’ve been making videos for youtube or facebook? “Those are grounding?” You may ask. Yes! Anything that helps you center back into yourself, your thoughts, your Spirit your POWER!

I decided to write this today, after being very quiet about the pandemic mostly the whole time because I know people needed something to help them through from an unbiased place. No agenda, like always, I just want YOU to be your BEST! You are the most important person, you must be strong and to be strong you need a sturdy base and a deep grounding!

Want an easy way to ground? Close your eyes. Imagine a rope hanging from your belly button. It’s the longest rope ever. It has an anchor at the end, drop the anchor to the ground. It penetrates to the center of the Earth and the rope becomes taut. You are grounded to Mother Earth. Push your worries down to Her, She is ok with that. She will return positive energy to you and renew your Spirit!

Please take care of yourself. Reach out to me and say hello. Watch some of my funny, serious and sometimes goofy videos on YouTube. Hang out with me on Facebook or Instagram. I’m always around. Stay healthy and happy and remember to stay grounded. We are almost through this.


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Smokeless Sage Spray:Video

Hey! Not a fan of burning sage to clear the negative vibes from your space? Watch my video and learn how to make Smokeless Sage Spray. You only need a few simple things to get going!

1. Fresh Sage. This can be found by your fresh veggies at most grocery stores.

Fresh Sage Delivered to you!

2. A spray bottle. Go to the dollar store it doesn’t have to be fancy. Or follow this link!

12 oz. Spray Bottles

3. Salt. Table salt, pink salt, Epsom Salt. Whatever you like, just salt.

Pink Salt. My Favorite

4. Water. Just go to the faucet.

Ok that’s all you need! Follow the link below and watch the video on how to make your own Smokeless Sage Spray!

Click Here! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Thanks for checking it out! Was it helpful? Don’t forget to comment and like!

Want the traditional Sage? Here’s a link to follow to Amazon for everything you’ll need to get started and it’s super affordable. Plus when you use my links you help me and the page out a little bit.

Sage Bundle Kit to get you Started

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The Portal is You

I may be going over something old but its important. All of the places you go are not haunted. You are. So to speak.

Yeah that’s a tough concept for some people to grasp, but I do countless readings where I see lines of deceased waiting to speak to the person I’m sitting with and as I’m watching the line and sometimes the circle grow the living person in front of me will tell me about all of the paranormal experiences they have had in their lives. Some even tell me that the ghosts are following them. Yeah no kidding! They know you can see and hear them!

The problem is that most folks aren’t grabbing the concept that they (YOU) are the “portal.” The difference between myself and so many others is that I have honed my focus and really tuned into the world that is beyond our own. I also thought that through my life I was just having a ton of paranormal experiences and that “all these places are haunted.” Then I realized it wasn’t every apartment and every space, it was me!

If you are reading this I want you to totally take a few minutes to reflect on that idea. Really, think back to the times paranormal things happened, you felt something that wasn’t tangible, gave information and had no idea where it came from. Hopefully you are having an epiphany right now. Spiritual lightening is hitting your brain.

Now if you are continuing on let’s talk about the focus of it. You need to slow down. Take a deep breath and acknowledge these SPIRITS. Tell them either yes “I want to speak with you” or “I am not looking to speak with you please leave.”

That’s it, just put this sign up. They will listen.

If you accept please go back and read my other blogs about meditation and learning how to understand your specific gifts. If you decided that this isn’t for you that’s totally ok also! For you I would recommend making that above statement a few times a month or whenever you are feeling overwhelmed for “no reason.” Trust me when I say that it will help.

When we say yes to helping pass messages it is a new journey in our lives and can not only enhance our own life but also those around us. You become the portal, the conduit, the Medium and it is a serious job. We all have a different version of it. Mine is what you see, I act as Medium, Spiritual Warrior, Teacher and Eye Opener and on top of it all I do it very publicly. Your journey will be different but may have some of the same roads and that’s the purpose of the blogs. Follow down the path and when you see a path that is more clearly yours, follow it. That’s it!

Make sure if you see me say hello and let’s get a pic! I loved this and my daughter was delighted. Lol

I hope that you liked this blog, if so I have a few Crystal’s I recommend to help you open more and ones that offer protection during your journey. Check em out and if you use the link just know you’ll be helping me out a bit as well. Thanks!

Lapis to Open Your Third Eye
Ring for Protection
Peppermint Oil to Open Psychic Awesomeness

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Third Eye Chakra

Hello again! Thanks for coming back! This next post is about the Third Eye Chakra and I’m going to do my best to keep it simple and informative. The third eye is one of the most mystic parts of our spiritual selves and it is one of the most useful, in my opinion. It is located right in the middle of our foreheads just above our eyeline. Did you read my post about the third eye yet? If you did that last bit is old news, if not go back and check it out! Lots of good info there I won’t be going back over, we need to move forward!

Have you ever used your imagination? Have you ever pictured a story playing out in your head like a movie? Have you ever looked at a room in front of you and pictured it as it was 20 years ago? If you have answered yes to any of that then it is very likely that you have activated your Third Eye Chakra! I always thought that everyone around me processed information like I did in my head and found out that it simply wasn’t true. Not everyone can see things as clearly as I could, when I thought of something I’d get a full detailed description like a photo someone placed into my head. If that sounds familiar than you are on the right track.

The Chakra that is your energy basis for the third eye is extremely potent. It is what gives you that other worldly view and provides insite through vivid photos in your mind. It is important to recognize it when training yourself to be more open to pshycic abilities and using it as a Medium. The more focused you become on the Third Eye the more powerful it becomes. Like any other part of your body it needs a work out and if you’ve read my previous post about this topic you hopefully have been practicing the techniques I explained, if not please go back and learn them!

Let’s talk about how this works and how you can apply it. For me, I will receive an image and let’s say it’s a lawnmower. If I am doing a reading and connecting to someone’s passed loved one I would explain I could see a lawnmower and hopefully the person in front of me will know what that means in relation to the spirit. If I am doing an investigation I will document that I see the lawnmower and hopefully it will mean something later. If I am carrying out day to day activities and a lawnmower pops into my head I would take note of it and ask myself why I am seeing it, later on it could mean something.

After learning to pay attention to the Third Eye you will unlock another world of information for yourself and others around you. If you see something in your mind write it down in a log book or journal. Pay attention if those images show up in your day to day life, these very well could be important messages for you or.someone that you love.

Beyond that, I can also make you aware that this is often the same method as to which spirits will show themselves. They will put an image of themselves in your head, in line with your Third Eye and make you see them. Don’t be afraid, write down what they look like, ask them to spell a name in front of you. Your ability to be comfortable with this Claire-ability will make you much more effective as a psychic and medium. Also, learning this and combining it your other gifts will help you paint a better picture and gain access to more information.

We will talk about the third eye more as I discuss other abilities. There are several visual based practices that rely on the Third Eye Chakra, such as Lucid Dream, Astral Projection and receiving Premonitions. Please go learn the techniques and meditations so that you can be prepared when we move on to the other fun activities we can perform using our Third Eye and it’s Chakra!

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If you have any questions please feel free to post them below! Thanks again!