A lesson I have learned through Mediumship is to be less judgmental.

I have never really been one in my life to “judge a book by its cover” but being human it has happened.

I have learned so much about the trials a human soul endures through Mediumship and part of what helps my Gifts get better and grow is that I have learned to not put anyone in a box. Good, bad or indifferent. Sure I have my values and morals but I don’t use them to judge others. They lead a life I couldn’t understand and I possibly lead one they couldn’t understand.

I’ve spoken to War Heros, Celebs, Moms, Dads, cousins and friends. I’ve spoke to drug users and folks who spent serious time in prison. None of those things usually defines a person’s whole life. That helped me in my life because I am a Dad a husband a son, a first responder and a Medium. I am a former Marine and I have some of the best friends in the world. I am sure everyone would speak about me in different ways and have different ideas of who I am, just like we experience each other differently.

There are lots of chapters to books. Good ones, bad ones, long ones, slow and sad ones and many that are exciting. Read the whole book, don’t judge and remember to treat everyone kindly.

Thats a lesson Mediumship has taught me.


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