Life Beyond

No matter if your journey is a Spiritual one, physical one or other type of journey now is the time. We have all been through so much in the last year, our development was forced. We were pushed and right now are continously being pushed further from our “normal” comfort zones and boundaries. That’s a great thing if you ask me, and since you are here I guess I can give you my opinion. Lol

Just a quick note. You are experiencing a shift. Thats how you got here. No doubt about that. Something incredible is happening, we are shifting. New purposes are being revealed and its time to have faith, in yourself and your Angels that you are on the right path.

I hope that you are doing amazing and finding new and creative ways to meet the challenges that have come before you and ones that still lay ahead. I am letting you know that I myself and finding new and amazing ways to meet the challenges of my life, financial, physical and yeah Spiritual. No matter how much you think you know there is always so much more life beyond right this moment.

Take advantage of these times, grow, test yourself and strive to be the best version of you. How have I been conquering my mountains? If you’ve been here a while you may know the answer, if you are new, the answer is the same. I am doing my best through meditation. Next blog I will tell you what meditation I am doing in particular that is working so well for me. I hope you come back and join me for that. In the mean time, I have links below that bring you to my YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Podcast. Plus you can explore my page here and hopefully pick up a few tips on your Psychic and Mediumship development.

Thanks for hanging with me! Remember there is a Life Beyond!

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A valuable lesson

A lesson I have learned through Mediumship is to be less judgmental.

I have never really been one in my life to “judge a book by its cover” but being human it has happened.

I have learned so much about the trials a human soul endures through Mediumship and part of what helps my Gifts get better and grow is that I have learned to not put anyone in a box. Good, bad or indifferent. Sure I have my values and morals but I don’t use them to judge others. They lead a life I couldn’t understand and I possibly lead one they couldn’t understand.

I’ve spoken to War Heros, Celebs, Moms, Dads, cousins and friends. I’ve spoke to drug users and folks who spent serious time in prison. None of those things usually defines a person’s whole life. That helped me in my life because I am a Dad a husband a son, a first responder and a Medium. I am a former Marine and I have some of the best friends in the world. I am sure everyone would speak about me in different ways and have different ideas of who I am, just like we experience each other differently.

There are lots of chapters to books. Good ones, bad ones, long ones, slow and sad ones and many that are exciting. Read the whole book, don’t judge and remember to treat everyone kindly.

Thats a lesson Mediumship has taught me.


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The Portal is You

I may be going over something old but its important. All of the places you go are not haunted. You are. So to speak.

Yeah that’s a tough concept for some people to grasp, but I do countless readings where I see lines of deceased waiting to speak to the person I’m sitting with and as I’m watching the line and sometimes the circle grow the living person in front of me will tell me about all of the paranormal experiences they have had in their lives. Some even tell me that the ghosts are following them. Yeah no kidding! They know you can see and hear them!

The problem is that most folks aren’t grabbing the concept that they (YOU) are the “portal.” The difference between myself and so many others is that I have honed my focus and really tuned into the world that is beyond our own. I also thought that through my life I was just having a ton of paranormal experiences and that “all these places are haunted.” Then I realized it wasn’t every apartment and every space, it was me!

If you are reading this I want you to totally take a few minutes to reflect on that idea. Really, think back to the times paranormal things happened, you felt something that wasn’t tangible, gave information and had no idea where it came from. Hopefully you are having an epiphany right now. Spiritual lightening is hitting your brain.

Now if you are continuing on let’s talk about the focus of it. You need to slow down. Take a deep breath and acknowledge these SPIRITS. Tell them either yes “I want to speak with you” or “I am not looking to speak with you please leave.”

That’s it, just put this sign up. They will listen.

If you accept please go back and read my other blogs about meditation and learning how to understand your specific gifts. If you decided that this isn’t for you that’s totally ok also! For you I would recommend making that above statement a few times a month or whenever you are feeling overwhelmed for “no reason.” Trust me when I say that it will help.

When we say yes to helping pass messages it is a new journey in our lives and can not only enhance our own life but also those around us. You become the portal, the conduit, the Medium and it is a serious job. We all have a different version of it. Mine is what you see, I act as Medium, Spiritual Warrior, Teacher and Eye Opener and on top of it all I do it very publicly. Your journey will be different but may have some of the same roads and that’s the purpose of the blogs. Follow down the path and when you see a path that is more clearly yours, follow it. That’s it!

Make sure if you see me say hello and let’s get a pic! I loved this and my daughter was delighted. Lol

I hope that you liked this blog, if so I have a few Crystal’s I recommend to help you open more and ones that offer protection during your journey. Check em out and if you use the link just know you’ll be helping me out a bit as well. Thanks!

Lapis to Open Your Third Eye
Ring for Protection
Peppermint Oil to Open Psychic Awesomeness

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Changes are happening. 3 Easy Steps to create positive direction in your life.

Changes are happening everywhere! That’s exciting and I’m happy about it! Let’s take a second to get up, dust ourselves off and remember that we are doing our best. If your best doesn’t feel good enough I understand. Sometimes I put everything I have into myself, my work, my projects or life in general and I feel as though I am falling short. So if you feel that way RIGHT THIS MOMENT than I hope the title of this struck you because it’s TRUE!

The good part, energy flow is real deal all day and all night. It comes and goes and right now it’s a title wave on it’s way in. Right now is the time to cut those old energy cords that serve you for nothing and create new ones. The bad part, the downside? You are responsible for the change! You are in control! Want to get yourself moving in a positive direction? I mean in anything? This is a moment in time to do it! If this is in your head and you are not doing something about it there will be resentment, anger and feelings of being left behind.

You read the title and thought “Yes! Finally! Things can change.” Yes. 100% they can and for the better. I’m sure you’ve heard this, read it and seen it on television: No one is making the change for you!

I’m guilty of missing the wave many times myself so I’m not just giving you the business like a grumpy old man, I’m telling you I’m human, I mess up and that we all do. What I’m telling you as someone who feels energy very deeply is that the positive wave of energy we are being pushed with right now should be able to be felt by all. Even with all of the seemingly endless “bad” the news and internet has been pumping at us things are actually ok.

Take a little while to reflect on what’s been bothering you and follow these three easy steps to helping you clear the old and begin with the new.

1. Write down the things that are a burden. Explain on paper why they are a burden.

2. Decide if you can fix the issues or that you cannot. Are they your issues or other peoples issues? Do you want to change? (That is the critical question.)

3. Destroy the paper. Safely use a candle to burn the paper. Be mindful and meditative as you do it. Watch the flame. Watch the smoke. Tell yourself you are relieved of the burdens and welcome positive change into your life.

If you complete these steps and don’t feel better, dig deeper and be very honest with what your true issues are. Remember this is for you and no one else. Unburden yourself to allow the positive change you deserve and remember that if you are readings this than at this moment is the perfect time to make that change.

Good luck! Thanks for the support and I’ll see you soon.


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Psychic Practice Tips

There are certainly many different names for folks who can “see into the future.” Fortune Teller, Gypsy, Psychic, Seer and I’m sure many more. What makes a person Psychic or any if the things listed above? Practice is the short answer! That’s really what it takes and no matter how good you “naturally” are you must practice. I talk at length on this blog about meditation and focus and of course setting intentions but those are just the steps to opening the psychic gifts. Once you grab those coat tails of the Universe and start to get a glimps of your own abilities and what may actually lay ahead of you in your journey you must practice.

Let’s quickly list a few things that help one practice. Let’s say 3 easy Psychic Exercises to get you going and that you can use every day!

1. Before turning on the television in the morning make a mental note of one News Anchor or daily TV show host. Think about them for that day. See what they are wearing. Is there a certain solid color on them? An animal print dress perhaps? Shoes that really stand out or fancy jewlery you could describe to someone else? Once you have the thought in your head, write it down! Then turn on the tv and see what that person is wearing. Were you right on? Close? Not close at all? It’s ok if you didn’t get it today, you wrote it down. Maybe tomorrow or someday soon exactly what you envisioned will be just what they are wearing. You’ll feel validated and amazing once you start to hone in on the details every day. Thats the first and easiest psychic exercise.

2. Clear your mind. Who is someone you have not heard from in a while but would be likely to contact you? Write that name down. Then write a time line as to how long from this day you feel they will contact you. Is it tomorrow? Next week, maybe next month. Write down your prediction and don’t be afraid to be wrong. Its about getting close, then closer and closer as you develop. Want an extra challenge to this? Write down why they are contacting you. Extra points if you got it!

3. This one is fun. Try to psychically pick up on peoples birthdays. Try with celebrities since you can look the info up to verify it. I suggest to pick a favorite celebrity of yours, picture them in your head and see what indicators come to you for Birthday signs. Do the numbers just pop up? Can you see the name of the month? Maybe you are super in tune and the Zodiac sign they were born with appears. Whatever the sign is, write it down. Then look up the person and verify it! That is so fun! Pick one a day and see how quickly you start understanding how your Psychic voice speaks to you and gives you information.

Birthday? Scroll to the bottom to find out. Are you right?

These little excercises are meant to be helpful and non-defeating, which means that if you don’t get it right immediately keep trying because you WILL get it! If you found this helpful please make sure to pass it along to a friend or family member who also may like to test their own skills and then develop them further.

Need a nice notepad to keep your predictions in? Check this one out!

Need a nice Journal to keep your predictions in? Check this one out!
Add strength and clarity to your Psychic visions with a beautiful Labradorite.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day and good luck with your practice and progress, please feel free to leave questions or comments below.


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Tom Holland Born June 1st, 1996. Did you get it?

This is Halloween

You are a psychic medium and Halloween is on the cusp, Spirits are bombarding you and nothing makes sense. Lets sort it out. Today we will talk about the veil thinning and sorting out all those Spirits.

Lets make sure that we cover all our bases. While you may know that you are a medium or have a true psychic gift some others may not know and are just experiencing a heightened awareness to the Spirit world around them. This is for both camps.

I’ve found that during the beginning of fall that the spiritual veil begins to thin out and the Spirits on the other side are able to get a little closer to us and affect us in ways that they normally cannot. This lasts from the beginning of the Fall season until the end of the Holiday season, January-ish.

Think of the veil like this, if someone took three feel of water and placed in in front of you. you could stretch your arm through the water and touch whats on the other side, you may have to stretch a bit to get there. During the season of Halloween through the rest of the end of year celebrations the “level of water goes from three feet to maybe a foot and thinner depending on who you are and who may want to come through from the other side. It can be unnerving for those who aren’t used to Spirit communication and for the rest of us it can be just as overwhelming.

For the unexperienced reading this know that at this time of the year and the rest of the year you can absolutely take control of the situation and your life by following the exact same advice I am going to give to the more experienced folks reading.

#1. If you don’t want to speak to them, feel them, hear them simply tell them to go away. Is it that easy? yes. I do it all the time and recommend it to those who may live in paranormally or spiritually charged situations.

#2. Speak out loud to those Spirits or ghosts that may be around you. They can certainly hear us through thoughts, however there seems to be a certain power in the spoken word, no matter the language. Want them to leave? Say it. Want them to “speak” louder? Say it. Want them to slow down what they are conveying? Tell them to slow down. Easy right? Yup! Sure is!

#3. The final piece of advice? Be confident that you are (and everyone is) capable of hearing from those on the other side. Be confident that your words have power and you can send Spirits away just by speaking. You can also ask them to convey messages in ways that make sense to you.

Keep in mind that if you are reading this at any time that all the things mentioned above will work just fine for you. Keep safe in all of your Spiritual endeavors and remember to keep it light and positive.

Have a fun and safe Halloween and Spiritual season!

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Grounding in Reality.

It seems that when I read about Psychic development I see the word “grounding” in sentences that say it is important so that you can connect with Spirit better. This may be, but the real reason is so that you can stay connected to our reality.

Here is your Grounding Cord

Grounding is the anchor in the sea of Spirit. It doesn’t necessarily make it easier for you to communicate with them but certainly makes it safer. Imagine if when an astronaut did a space walk they just went out there without a tether. They would float off into infinity and beyond. Well that’s the idea of your grounding cord to the Earth during Spirit communication, psychic work and even meditations.

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The cord should help provide good positive energy flow from the ground up in order to strengthen your signal but at the same time it needs to keep you firmly planted here in the third dimension so when your Spirit work is done you can come back to where you belong.

Have you ever been told you are a “space cadet?” Maybe that you aren’t present during a conversation or many conversations? Happens to me often enough. It’s because I wasn’t doing the basic thing I should have been doing, keeping a strong grounding cord to the Earth. Yeah, it’s a metaphysical cord but it works, keeps us planted on Space Station Earth. When we practice making the cord prior to every Spirit consult or meditation we do it becomes stronger and more second nature, it stays in place during our practice and when we are out doing everyday people stuff like having dinner, watching a movie or hanging out with the family.

Click the butterfly to learn meditation techniques you can use today!

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Remember to practice grounding yourself into our reality when you aren’t doing Spirit work, your life will be much more bright and fuller!


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3 Rescue Steps for Empaths!

As I sat at dinner tonight with my family, at a popular chain restaurant I had an old feeling wash over me. Loud uncontrollable Spirit noise.

Wow, it was uncomfortable, I could hear peoples issues and inner thoughts (not mind reading by a long shot) things they kept away from the people they loved and knew dearly. It was translated into anxiety for me. It was becoming overwhelming. I had to go to a place I learned about from others, meditation space. I had to ground and protect myself.

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By the time I go myself together it was already too late, my skin was crawling my thoughts were racing and I was not having a good night anymore. It was time to go to my pocket, old trusty celenite. I held it and ran my energy through it, helping filter out the noise of everyone around me. Finally I was feeling peace again. I wasn’t at my 100% self but I was better than I was.

When I got back home I had to salt shower and do a quiet meditation to push away all that I had accidentally absorbed. It’s tough to be an Empath and a Medium. It used to be worse, I didn’t know how to do any of the rescue methods and I didn’t know that I was even being affected by all of those other peoples energy. It took a long time and lots of energy to understand what was happening.

Does this sound familiar to you? If it does and you find yourself overwhelmed like I described follow these three Rescue steps.

1. Take a deep breath and realize you are being affected by others.

2. Close your eyes. Find what comforts you. Focus on it.

3. Stay calm and exit the area as soon as you can.

After doing these immediate action rescue steps it’s time to get home and do a deep meditation, however or whatever works for you and take a salt shower.

Make sure to practice the rescue steps when you aren’t being overwhelmed that way when it does happen you’ll be prepared. Also, it doesn’t hurt to purchase some celenite for your pocket.

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Have you been practicing meditating and opening your Chakras up? Have you been concentrating on letting the energy flow and light up your intuition? I hope the answer is YES to all of those because the Spiritual Energy Meter is in a peak right now and you are primed to tap in!

My Spirit Guides have been pushing me to tell YOU the right time to tap into YOUR Gifts and that time is right NOW!

Close your eyes, feel the Energy coming up from the Earth and let it bring you confidence! Whatever you positive Spiritual Journey is now is the time to get moving!

Set your intentions, what are they? Psychic Readings, Mediumship, Healer, Intuitive or other? Whatever it is even if it doesn’t have a label yet start it!

Want to know where to connect to Spirit during Meditation? Click the link below!

In my time doing this I have never felt such a positive upswing in Spiritual Energy! Now is the time to make strong connections with those like minded around you, Earthly and otherwise. Now is the time to grab ahold of your Spiritual Destiny and bring it to the surface of your life to influence yourself and others!

There are lots if explanation points in there and that’s because I want you to be just as excited for this as I am!

Remember your three basic steps:

1. Set an Intention

2. Meditate

3. Trust your Intuition

I hope you take my enthusiastic advice and move forward now! Even if you are finding this years after it’s written that’s ok because it is YOUR time and that time exists in YOUR space and fits YOUR journey! Good luck!

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More Validation

I have been building a client base for several years now and of course I’ve read for the same person (people) more than once. It can be more difficult to read for someone time and time again when you I pride myself in being authentic through validation.

The first time I read for this particular person I brought their Grandmother through and validated them through some specific information. Then the second time other specific information and so on until today. I sat at the table with my client and said “I’m not sure how else I’m going to validate Grandma, she is just here.” With that I get the impression if another woman in Spirit with us.

I start writing and get a name, then a visual of what they looked like. After writing it down I ask the client “Do you know a heavy set woman with large dimples named Julie?” “That was Grandma’s best friend and she is passed too!” So Grandma brought her best friend to help validate that I was once again speaking to her. Lol what a funny way to keep the validation train going!

That taught me a valuable lesson There is always something new to learn! That being from others, Spirit or through Mediumship. This particular client has been giving me lessons to learn from the get go and some day I’ll share the stories and how incredible the experiences have been over the last few years.

Make sure to go into every reading with a clear and open mind, whether you are doing the reading or the recipient. Expect to be surprised and expect to always learn something new!

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